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Posts posted by Haruto

  1. NOOOOO! I hope Kokoro will find a new band to be in in the future. :( He's such a talented vocalist and I've been listening to him since INSANITY FRONTIER.


    I really really hope so too but I think the major reason for the disbandment is his health, so….. In all honesty I think this is not going to happen. This is what makes the news so horrible.

    My favorite vocalist, my favorite band… Sure, health is more important, but you will be missed greatly.

  2. My musical knowledge is very limited, I don't really have the experience to say what a 'good' solo is, but in my personal opinion I like D.I.D.'s and Nocturnal Bloodlust's guitar work a lot. I also agree on most bands already mentioned.

    As for Versailles, I don't dare to say they're not skilled (holy shit, they are!) but their soli are really not my cup of tea. Like they come out a bit ... 'showy'?

    Also ^, the last two posts: this.

  3. Some of my favorites have already been mentioned. I strongly agree with DELUHI and 9GBO. They're amazing.

    Also, these here~




    CATFIST's ANOTHER BUTTERFLY, probably my most favorite CD cover art ever, because just I love his tattoos. The editing isn't that special but I love the motive.






    from D.I.D. This is really stylish in my opinion.

    I love D.I.D. for their album art, also liked Providentia a lot.


    Oh and: 










    I might have a thing for animals...

    Also off topic, isn't NB's singer from Seattle or something? Man, I wonder if he was in any bands when he was state side and I might have actually seen him at some dive bar show hahaha.


    He's from Japan but lived a while in Seattle. He was in a band called 'Point Blank Range'. Haven't found any music yet, but pictures exist! His English is pretty decent, he's also very talkative during instores, like starting with "Heeeelloooooo" before even giving us the chance to talk Japanese, haha.

    My friend and I were wondering if he might be half American or something because he also has a pretty distinctive face... but after seeing him in person, I'm positive he's not. 


    /off topic

  5. May be an unpopular opinion, but I'd say Mejibray. I looooved their first single and mini and everything since EMILY kinda disappointed me. It's not bad, but just not as good and 'wow wow wow' as their earlier stuff.


    I'm also agreeing with BFN, was very excited to see Eros/Ice come back, loved DOOM, couldn't listen to any other of their songs. Too bad they ruined his nice vocals with audiotune.

    They're fun live tho.

  6. Since they're signed under SPEED DISK now, I hope I can buy their stuff trough CD-Japan or at least Brand-X. Getting their stuff with shopping services is pretty expensive. Maybe I'll write them a mail and ask, they usually reply really fast and are friendly.

    However, I'm really looking forward to these releases! :>

  7. I never was a huge fan, though I did like some songs.... too bad that most of their lyrics are so excruciatingly stupid. Though it can be quite entertaining sometimes. XD

    And here I thought thinking their lyrics meant something meaningful or poetic in German.

    they do actually, but in a way that is really hard to understand when you're not German.

    even with German as my mothertongue I need to listen several times to really, I mean REALLY, get the meaning, because there is ALWAYS more behind the lyrics than it sems first.

    I love Rammstein. : 3

    I grew up with them thanks to my dad. c:

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