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Posts posted by Cielito

  1. And hate all the waaaah RIP shit, srsly like when that awful vocalist for Gakido died. No one had heard of the band before then it turned into a full on vigil. The clusterfuck following Jasmine You was pretty ridiculous too.

    Seriously! And if the guy who died didn't have pink hair, wear makeup and a dress, or was in some obscure band that no one cares about, its like nothing of value was lost. . .

    This part I disagree with... Not just because I am a huge JasmineYou fan, but because I think death is sad in general. Jasmine was the only JRocker I was a fan of that died, but the others were just as sad. They're all so young, they don't deserve it.

    I'm not being butthurt, I'm just being reasonable.e

    Death is not reasonable. In the case of Jasmine, he choose that, the jobs, the fatigue, he had the discography or company control and press, but, in the end it was his fault.

  2. Did you guys listen to the firsts an cafe albums? The screams of Tekesuta Kousen? C'mon, with Bou everything was beatifull.

    Jasmine You sucked at bass, and Teru kick ass. Also, I hate Uri, ex-Aikaryu, in fact, all Aikaryu was shit, nice songs, but everything was like 'we are pirates or vampires and Teru is the only musician here'.

    Also hate Riku, he has to scream, only that, nothing else with Kisaki.

    Hate my penis for being small.

    Hate Asagi for being lady tomato- sucker.

  3. It's okay, I guess. It didn't grab my interest immediately, but it really grew on me after a few listens. It's kind of annoying when a heavier band (like DELUHI) makes a poppish song/release like Departure, and people keep nagging: IT'S TOO POPPISH WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM BOOOO, when it's just 1 release. I'm sure on their next release their will be enough heavy stuff. And don't make me start about those IT'S NOT HEAVY SO IT'S NOT GOOD people. I think Departure was rather enjoyable. 12012 could learn from DELUHI how to make poppish songs right. I give it an 8/10

    Overall rating of the single campaign:

    1. Frontier

    2. Departure

    3. the farthest (which I found absolutely horrible)

    Well, you have a point, but the "poopish omg" too, I mean, the campaign has in it totality poopish chorus and some verses, even the Revolver single has it, so it's not a fear or something stupid, they have been adding some pop into his songs, that is a fact

  4. Juri's voice, when he enters in the song, omg, give him something for his mouth so he shut the fuck ups and quit singing 8=> ! Overall, damn pop chorus, if it weren't for the drums, this would be an cafecore

  5. Ivory7Chord, Four Chamber View. Celestial garden was a good band, althought they disbanded, and I loved la;cen -Zhow.

    On the legend part, I would love more people to like Sense of Shape and Damian Hamada, don't forget the most amazing band out there Wed+Day!

  6. I don't like the moanings, and all the sex voices, the new look, I mean, musically, all the bands are improving (I have Deluhi and NoGoD in mind), especially their guitarrist, Ruiza is falling behind, Kyrie and Leda are raping him >:D

    I dig the third song, but the overall single, hate it.

  7. Ok, so I want old Juri back and Deluhi's Baby Play style again.

    OOOO, yeah, i saw on u2b that people say the drummer (he has a name?) uses trigger pedal or trigger bass, i don't know anything about drumming, can someone say it that is true or not? I saw some videos about that, and the difference between with trigger and without, but in the song... :/

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