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Posts posted by Cielito

  1. Even if they reformed...it wouldnt be the same, Kyouka doesnt sound anywhere similar anymore.

    To be honest, considering the contrast in styles they each play now if Aliene did reform I doubt it would be anything like Aliene was in the past. Should they reform I think it would be best to use another name because I think they would receive a lot of criticism from people because new Aliene would probably be nothing like old Aliene. Similar situation I see with the new Velvet Eden and everyone screaming BWWAA IT'S NOT THE SAME, especially from the obnoxious Kote Kei purest. :wink:

    Not at all, Deflina was a conglomerate of a lot of styles and testing, you have ska and death - horror. Check Chaos System for example, there are a lot of resemblences of that nu psychodelic punk, and on Kyoka's blog there are some videos of him screeching. He rules, that's all.

  2. The only thing that X Japan has really done was "make it ok to be metal" in Japan. They were far from the first japanese metal band, but they were the first to reach such a wide audience that metal then became an accepted sound and genre in Japan, before it never caught on and was extremely unpopular.

    Omg, you now nothing, years before, Rainbow, Purple, Malsteem, Kiss, etc, they were HELL OF famous there, and they are 'harder' than X. Search for the firsts bootlegs of the 70's of those bands, Mr. Big, and all those divine groups, you'll learn something. There's a Cafe in Tokyo named 'Ritchie Blackmore' or 'The Highway Star', and it was in the 70's.

  3. I wonder if the negative feedback to 'Shinrabansho -Setsuri-' was the reason for the previous four members leaving the band.

    I guess with that in mind, it's a hope that Eros takes that into account and does better with the next release.

    The reason: they spend a lot of money, time and balls in something worthless, 4 guys bought the single, that's all, they suck.

  4. "A LETTER TO THE HEAVEN~MARY Episode2~" is a reference to Aliene's "Virgin Mary," correct?

    I assumed it's referring to deflina ma'riage's MARY

    I liked the singles, but I'm still dissapointed, FLASH BACK promised wonderful things.

    Yup, Deflina's Mary, it has the same notes in the background.

  5. Lol I never said anything about autotune I think?

    But you got it right, I can't stand autotune(and noone should be able to).

    But it's also that the entire dance/trance/screamo/scene thing is the worst thing since black metal.

    Yeah, Horse the Band and Enter Shikari are crap, c'mon, don't generalize.

    Ahahaha! Horse the Band crap? Stupidest thing I've heard since the last time I saw Mr Bacon's post, which was only seconds ago. Horse the Band rules. Don't know why they're mentioned here though. There's no dance, trance or screamo to be found in HtB. Just experimental Metalcore. Easily the best Metalcore band as well.

    And it's always fun to see Mr Bacon criticize other bands...I mean, he likes √eight. When you like bands such as √eight you lose your ability to say negative things about other bands. It only makes you look stupid...because in you do in fact like √eight, which is worse than everything you criticize.

    But Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas will be played the next time I'm getting drunk with my friends. I can imagine us laughing out loud for a long time when drinking andf listening to this. It'll rule a lot!

    I was being Ironic, please don't be retarded. I brought HtB because of their 'nintendo' noises and synths, you can call it trance/techno/screamo/post hardcore/shit, but it fits here. √eight rules, you suck, easy

  6. Well, I dig it, of course, if we think of ReS it sucks, but he is experimenting, making new music, using new rhythms, slap bass, something more quiet, maybe he is in that phase of his life, who knows, but it sounds like Santana mixed with old kagrra and some brazilian folk band in some parts, 8/10

  7. Hizaki ownz Kaz, it's not about playing the guitar, faster, or better, is about who makes better or well produced music, and Hizaki takes the price, listen to his project, Versailles, etc.

  8. Mugenkyo.
    This. If you don't listen to this you're missing out BIG TIME.

    However, I'm very partial to Gokusaishiki. It's one of my favorite albums ever.

    Yeah, but you are missing a lot of singles and songs, you should start with Ten, Tenbatsu Enban and Atria, then the best single in history of music Batsu, and then Mugenkyou and Gokusaishiki, 'cause you need to hear the pre-Shinno era, and the craziest and mind destroying screams of Shuukyou Ongaku, wich I think they should remake... Oh, don't forget Sakura

  9. So far I like it (2 songs and the intro only listened), the second one is like Zesshoku, but I didn't like the drumming, everything else it's very solid and NoGoDish.

    Track 10 is the highlight of this album, I wanted a badass instrumental ):

    Done listening, too many ballads and slow songs, and not so many good solos. 7/10

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