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Posts posted by Masuha

  1. Hello everyone!


    I'm selling a part of my J-Rock collection.

    That includes CD's, DVD's and comments by artists like Dir en grey, Nightmare, Wizard, Marusa, Dio, Kagerou and Screw. I'm also going to sell some merchandise like photosets, cheki, photobooks and trading cards.
    There is also a large number of magazines (shoxx, arena 37°C, hevn, glare, Neo genesis, Fool's Mate and cure) available.




    If you're interested you can find my selling post at Lj over here.
    Please have a look!

  2. I think the guess about the drummer is correct.

    For the other ones, I have to say, I don't see any similarities, plus the birthday dates don't fit in both cases.

    But I somehow have the feeling that I saw those two in other bands as well. I just don't have an idea where.

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