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Everything posted by Takadanobabaalien

  1. and now dir en grey is producing her
  2. Takadanobabaalien

    please stop with this 0th release already fuck. what does it even mean? "we're releasing something to see if people like it, if not, we quit before our first actual release"?
  3. Takadanobabaalien

    i dont even know why i clicked play on that preview, and even more that i listened to the full 50 seconds. this is absolutely horrible.
  4. Takadanobabaalien

    The line-up seems fairly odd, but I think Mei is friends with the drummer (who's birthday event it is).
  5. Takadanobabaalien

  6. Takadanobabaalien

    she was summoned x
  7. Takadanobabaalien

    whats up with all these threads tbh?
  8. Takadanobabaalien

    La'veil Mizeria's old drummer (Yuuna?) lived in London for a couple of years, so he's fluent in English. Majyu (Devil Kitty/Shape Shifter) travels a lot and speaks decent English at least.
  9. Takadanobabaalien

    Based on the bands he seem to be on good terms with, I think it could be members of: Gibkiy gibkiy gibkiy Sibilebasir (Izumi/Marya) The Black Swan Grieva (Kyouki/Yuugo) Choke (especially the vocalist) That Tetsukorin dude Or it could be someone totally unexpected I guess. Time will tell.
  10. Takadanobabaalien

    "いつも入ってるスタジオとバンドとはべつにちょっとしたライブでる。年内。" "I will be having a live with a different band from the one I usually go to the studio with. Sometime during this year" From Mei's Twitter. Just a session band, but still... ALL ABOARD THE HYPE TRAIN. Still curious about his actual new band. I guess we won't see or hear anything from them this year at least.
  11. Takadanobabaalien

    I've always assumed best case scenario he goes +- zero, worst case he has to pay like a normal vacation.
  12. Takadanobabaalien

    shinya is cute x
  13. Takadanobabaalien

    satsuki, i guess
  14. Takadanobabaalien

    my dude you have an entire wiki dedicated to the band, numerous entries at vk.gy that detailed describe members history since the early 90's, occasionally seem to tweet past band members of the members to get info about the dudes, claim to be the 6th member of the band. did i miss anything?
  15. Takadanobabaalien

    literally early 2000 grieva
  16. Takadanobabaalien

    cant believe he put on that naruto headband lmao breakthrough gig we all been waiting for
  17. Takadanobabaalien

    rip my rightful youth
  18. Takadanobabaalien

    Diaura was alone on AINS for a couple of years before Yukika even signed Grieva. I don't say it's impossible but I'd be very shocked if Yukika close down AINS from out of nowhere. Eitherway they would have no problem being self financed or finding a new label anyway.
  19. Takadanobabaalien

    It seems "beast" is also the only band who cancelled their gig at the matina event.
  20. Takadanobabaalien

    Diaura? Based on what exactly? The members have been playing together since 2008(?), it doesn't seem like anyone is about to leave whatsoever. OT: idk, with all the side projects going on, 4 years to make the new album etc it would make sense for Dir en grey to take an activity pause. Especially since they never have done so.
  21. Takadanobabaalien

    First gig at area? Going to sell out pretty fast lol
  22. @Duwang Sorry, I got the update from facebook first and only saw the album. I added the live dvd as well as the disbandment to the topic.
  23. Gossip announced today that they will be disbanding on the 31st of december this year at their live at Meguro rokumeikan. They will also release their 3rd full album entitled 「親愛なる鬼畜サイコ野郎(終身)」(Shinainaru kichiku saikoyarou (shuushin)) The album will go on sale for 3780 JPY on 14th of november and the tracklist is as follows: 01.DESIRE 02.ヘドロ 03.面会謝絶 04.真夏ノ夜ノ夢 05.鳥籠 06.ハナマチバーレスク 07.ロザリー 08.キッチンキラー 09.少女A 10.聖者の行進 11.覗き穴から隣人はヒ素かに笑う 12.能無し腑抜けですね。 13.極東D.M.C 14.コドク 15.輪廻 16.過呼吸 17.【Psycho≠pas$】 By the looks of it, only track 5, 6, 10, and 11 are new songs although I've not kept up to date with Gossip as of lately so if I'm wrong feel free to correct me. They will also release a DVD of their one man at Mainabi Akasaka Blitz. It will go on sale on 12th of december. Tracklist is as follows: 01.錯乱-SAKURAN- 02.凶気の桜 03.面会謝絶 04.狂った太陽 05.LET'S DANCE #2 DIE 06.亡骸よ 07.木漏れ日 08.KICK ASS 09.理想郷 10.少女A 11.DOWNWARD SPIRAL 12.「ヰト犯シ」 13.能無し腑抜けですね。 14.南無妙法蓮華狂 15.覗き穴から隣人はヒ素かに笑う 16.クビチョンパ 17.ミユキ 18.とあるアイドルオタクの異常な愛情 19.悪童会-クソッタレ行進曲- 20.DRUM SOLO~楽器隊セッション 21.『君があの世に・・・』 22.ハッピーバースデー 23.くだらないこの世界が僕たちを殺していく 24.迷惑÷好意 25.【Psycho≠pas$】 26.天上天下唯我独唱 rip ains
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