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Posts posted by Takadanobabaalien

  1. Free shit? I'm in!

    lol XD

    According to my translator you have to fill in the form:








    And send this in a mail to [email protected] or something... I am trying this atleast, if someone else get's a better hang of it please tell us :butwry:

    EDIT: I am assuming the vocalist gets this mail, I wrote that I don't understand Japanese (in japanese ofcourse...), and I also linked him my ameba in the mail, because I follow him there and he has like 40 followers or less lol, so he might understand me then :emo:

  2. Well, for 1st case I'd probably try to stick as a good friend (unless I for some reason already have falled in love lol).

    Regarding 2nd case, uhm. It's very hard... I guess it kinda depends on what disease it might be... As for stuff like Aspberger Syndrome, ADHD etc I'd have no problem as it would form her personality into what I like (I'm assuming, after all I'd be in a relationship).

    So yeah... It's a very hard question, atleast for me...

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