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Everything posted by No.47

  1. For some reason I'm hoping this single is like 7th rose or something jazzy.
  2. No.47

    DEMONS was a great song but I just think the PV could have been done better.
  3. No.47

    What would you guys think is NEGA join indie PSC.
  4. No.47

    YAY. Ordering mines right now.
  5. No.47

    This might be the only reason why I will keep my Ipod Touch.
  6. No.47

    Its kind of odd. Jrock is starting to bore me to death. I still have my favorite bands but I'm getting really bored with the whole Jrock VK thing.
  7. No.47

    please GOD let this be a good single.
  8. No.47

    agree 100%
  9. No.47

    Does anyone happen to know if zune can read japanese font.
  10. No.47

    Yup only FC members can read their blogs.
  11. No.47

    Kick ass song. I'm looking forward to this new single. I hope the other songs are good.
  12. No.47

    I'm currently have an Ipod nano and I'm thinking about upgrading my music player. I'm thinking about getting a ZUNE but I really don't know if it can support Japanese font. I'm also thinking about getting an Ipod touch because I can't do more with that. Which one do you think is the best mp3 player out there.
  13. No.47

    Here some stuff from Paris Match paris match - (I'M STILL) LOST IN YOU http://www.youtube.com/embed/3wcjdG8F3iU paris match - STARS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KB9MIbsb1r8 paris match - VOICE (alternate ver.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxV2ORRwpl0
  14. No.47


    I just notice how silly mao looks when he sing in some of the PVs.
  15. No.47

    I'm glad that Jui is still going on go make music.
  16. No.47

    This movie is too good for words.
  17. No.47

    me too I can't wait to see some previews.
  18. No.47

    Great band. The code number 13 is the shit. I still can't believe his screaming skills.
  19. No.47

    So far this band is starting to bore me. I hope their next single is good.
  20. No.47

    I wish it wasn't such a long wait but oh well.
  21. No.47

    Just got done pre-ordering the TOKYO DOME LIVE DVD....now to play the waiting game.
  22. No.47

    For some reason I'm not move by this.
  23. No.47

    well I think 12012 will disband in fact I don't care if they do or not. This band was soo good now they are just.....boring.
  24. No.47

    The best damn show that on cartoon network right now.
  25. No.47

    I hate X japan...I really don't get why they are big and still trying to make a come back. I'm starting to dislike Screw all their songs just seem to be boring me to death. Finally I hate 12012..I mean really what the fuck happen.
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