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Everything posted by yomii

  1. yomii

    sorry guys wrong day to announce revival, no one cares
  2. thank you for following (*´꒳`*)

    1. Komorebi


      You're very welcome!

  3. yomii

    raimu looks so little and grumpy, thats so cute ww and reiki's hair color♡
  4. yomii

    look look look (*゚▽゚*)
  5. yomii

    holy shit
  6. yomii

    and its a shame that the coolest kids of nagoya, takamasa and satoru, won't ever return even in my wildest dreams...
  7. yomii

    im also frustrated that toki won't participate, i thought i saw him in someone's twitter not so long ago, but i might mistake. but asanao is cool too, i actually thought of how nice it would be if aie and asanao did something together. where's kazuya tho ._.
  8. yomii

    wonder if it will be official disbandment finally
  9. starwave is such a mess omg
  10. thank you for following :lolita_cheerful:

  11. yomii

    can't even tell which one i love more
  12. have you even lived if you haven't heard sou's voice

    im speaking of emmuree's sou ofc

    1. evenor


      voice of god

  13. yomii

    dunno what 5.1 mix is, but unless all people in japan have 5.1 system it would be very stupid to release something that 99% of your listeners won't hear as a regular edition. if it's a rare thing in japan too, it'd be smarter to put 5.1 version as a bonus in a limited edition, or release type c, or something.
  14. yomii

    i see your point, and i kinda understand what vk scene is about, the particular thing that is bothering me is, like you said, giving a few listens to songs so that you can go to live and see cute boys and then go back to whatever you listen. like, what? about analysing, i have nothing against justin bieber and other idols, and i don't think that unless you don't analyse the music you listen to you're a poser, i just thought that if you've ever listened to kizu before you couldn't help but notice that the sound is different somehow so it would be only natural to think like "huh? something strange is going on here" btw i think furitsuke is cute and fun .w.
  15. yomii

  16. yomii

    well there are a few comments concerning the music on youtube but foreigners discuss technical part a lot more thoroughly as far as i can see. if what you heard is true, vk scene and its audience is even more despicable than i thought lmao. i wont be surprised if such gyas exist, but if it's a portrait of an average gya then...well
  17. yomii

    maybe i am searching in wrong places, but i can find absolutely nothing about what the japanese think of the productiond, do they even care i wonder i get the point that it's supposed to sound like live, but it's at least unusual as for myself, i've decided not to listen to the new songle until my copy arrives, just gave a couple of listens to 東京 and it's a solid ballad imo. about the production, my headphones suck so i can't get full experience, but i love how raimu's voice sounds, guitars are lacking tho.
  18. yomii

    u know ur tired when u unconsciously start writing ur first language word in hiragana
  19. yomii

    so they are major huh? didnt think their label was considered as major what is known about the damage label btw? who owns it?
  20. yomii

    uh-oh alarm situation here
  21. this is so cute bp releases've been really nice lately
  22. oh and of course the legend we must never forget 🙏
  23. both my computer and my brain are dead after writing that huge tradeoff post

    1. CAT5


      I'm glad yall participated! These are always a good, fun way to connect and share with other J-rock fans. We'll probably host another one in two months or so!

    2. yomii


      @CAT5 looking forward to it already! and thanks for following ‪(*ˊᵕˋ* )

    3. monkeybanana4


      @CAT5 Agreed! It’s a great way to get exposed to new artists/genres that I might have not listened to on my own otherwise ^^ Looking forward to participating in the next one~

    4. Show next comments  39 more
  24. i love when there's a lot of going on in the looks but those peacock feathers and something on the vocalist's head look so wrong the others look very cute tho
  25. and the pioneers of it will be merry with their あたしは捨て猫. as for the trailer, if the chorus will be nice and aggressive enough i'd love the song, can't say for now. i don't dig the look either, it looks sloppy in the photo, but the video looks cool. kinda fresh for vk
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