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Everything posted by phatozodianicmo

  1. phatozodianicmo

    potato and leek soup
  2. phatozodianicmo

    greedy emotion - sadie
  3. phatozodianicmo

    Big Bang Theory/Arrested Development
  4. phatozodianicmo

    Come fly away - Benny Benassi
  5. phatozodianicmo

  6. phatozodianicmo

    -shrug- what's it matter? My girlfriend claims to have a 6th sense, but for me, what I cant see feel or experience first hand I cannot claim to be true.
  7. phatozodianicmo

    The walking dead
  8. phatozodianicmo

    FOOOOOOOOOO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igC4bPDp6cU start at 1 minute
  9. phatozodianicmo

    IGO - it's no easy
  10. phatozodianicmo

    Imagined Communities - Benedict Anderson
  11. phatozodianicmo

    Oh ramrod, I missed your photos
  12. phatozodianicmo

    Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Eiko Shimamiya
  13. phatozodianicmo

    These videos are always infinitely entertaining
  14. phatozodianicmo

  15. phatozodianicmo

    gyakutai, nice pic and nice name. Gyakutai is my gamer tag
  16. phatozodianicmo

    “The Marines I have seen around the world have the cleanest bodies, the filthiest minds, the highest morale, and the lowest morals of any group of animals I have ever seen. Thank God for the United States Marine Corps!??- Eleanor Roosevelt
  17. phatozodianicmo

  18. phatozodianicmo

    Scribble ft High Contrast - Underworld
  19. phatozodianicmo

    Rally to Restore sanity and/or Fear
  20. phatozodianicmo

    On The Painted Desert [Album Version] - Boom boom satellites
  21. phatozodianicmo

    地??少女, Jigoku Sh?jo
  22. phatozodianicmo

    boom boom satellites - girl
  23. phatozodianicmo

    Hilarity would ensue
  24. phatozodianicmo

    Compare 赢 to the character 输. The first means to win in Chinese, the other means to lose. And you wonder why the Chinese don't win wars anymore, can you imagine the poor bastard who would have to write 赢 on all those propaganda posters? China truly is a state that takes care of it's people!
  25. phatozodianicmo

    This damn song won't leave my head
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