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Everything posted by dimensiongurl

  1. dimensiongurl

    True about D=OUT. Preview was deleted before I could hear it. BORN is pretty good in my opinion. Yeah, let's leave the ViViD discussion behind. PSC have been adding multiple bands to their label recently. I wonder what for. Oh well, what else but to make money? PSC is still a company ultimately, and going by common sense, their aim is to generate as much revenue as possible. It's still business at the end of the day, much as I would like to say music is about dreams and whatever nice words you add to it, it's still bread and butter that counts. The company needs money to promote the bands, the bands need to make a living. I'm not afraid to admit I'm a huge gazette fan for a few yrs now. After knowing that they have chosen sony as their record label, I thought that indeed, the more popular you become, the more you need to sacrifice to get your music known to a larger crowd out there. Their recent songs like shiver and red are decent, but perhaps just not enough surprises and I feel the "oomph" factor is missing out. Their b sides recently are a little better than their a sides. I do think they can do much better, so I'm anticipating and waiting to see how the red single will turn out. In the end, it goes back to the very cliche 'dreams vs. reality" argument, bands that are becoming bigger are perhaps learning to strike that balance. Both parties take what they need, and till the point in which they feel it's not a win win situation anymore, they end the contract, that's how I look at it.
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