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Everything posted by CAT5

  1. CAT5

    Wow, yall been in this thread trippin'. How about EVERYONE calm down just a tad? I could give a shit about PT or Ryu's solo (sorry benibb), but there's no need to get excited to the point that you feel you can be insensitive. The quality of plastic tree's recent output is certainly up for debate, but do be mindful that your opinion on the matter is not fact and that others will feel differently.
  2. Come join us for Halloween plug!



  3. CAT5

  4. CAT5

    It's been in the 80's here recently
  5. CAT5

    I know this is short notice, but it completely slipped my mind until now - anyone down to hold our Sunday session at plug.dj instead of dub, just for tomorrow? I figured it would be more fun and 'festive' to hold it there with the avatars and Halloween layout they have instead of on dub, which still looks normal. I'd also like to encourage the playing of halloween-ish songs, or at least songs that are related to halloween/horror to some extent. Since this is short notice, I don't want to make this theme mandatory, though!
  6. (˼●̙̂ ̟ ̟̎ ̟ ̘●̂˻)

    1. Hakoniwa


      ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)?

  7. CAT5

    Awesome review as usual @fitear1590 - I always enjoy your writing! I enjoy this album, but there just aren't any moments that make me go "UMPHHH!!!" like Koba's shouting before the chorus in "Blood Music.1985" or in "鉄の夢". There are no songs that make me want to just fly off into the clouds with Koba's voice like in the chorus to "Rhapsody in beauty". Nothing on this album feels as emotionally cathartic as when Koba hits those high notes near the end of "dumb." There are no songs here where I can simply get lost in the beautiful, melancholic guitar interplay and the smooth buttery basslines like in "We" and "はじまりの教会". But, as I said, it's still a good album - hell, it's extremely solid in fact. It just doesn't reach any of the peaks that the other albums reach for me, and the narrative/flow just isn't as compelling for me. I'd rate this as my 4th favorite album of theirs - with Zeitgeist up first, Rhapsody 2nd, and To melt 3rd - with a fucking razor thin difference between those three. My favorite tracks from Hallelujah atm are "Black Rainbow", "1000 years", "Just Going Far" and "What Little Love".
  8. CAT5

    Hey everyone, I need your help! Horror movies aren't generally my thing, but in celebration of halloween, I wanted to check out a few with my girlfriend. Would any of you have any good recommendations for me? I'm pretty much open to anything - animated, hollywood, indie, foreign - it doesn't matter! It doesn't even have to be necessarily "scary", it can even be a comedy, as long as it's still related to Halloween and horror in general. For instance, I was thinking about watching the Korean film "Thirst", which isn't really scary, but it's still dark and deals with Vampires - Hell, it even has a romantic aspect to it, which is also welcome! Any recommendations would be appreciated!! @Bear @plastic_rainbow @Jigsaw9
  9. CAT5

    This one kind of goes to D'espa by default for me. They were one of the first VK bands I got into and one of my favorites for years, although my interest in them began to progressively wane from 2007 onwards. On the other hand, Girugamesh is a band that I just completely missed the train on. I didn't properly give them a listen until a few years ago, and even then, I've only listened to their material from 2012 and on, so I can't really judge to any great extent.
  10. CAT5

    That was a direct quote from the band's OHP. I'd assume that they run their own label now.
  11. mouse on the keys 『Out of Body』 DDCZ-2137 / ¥1,852+税 1. Intro 2. Earache 3. Dark Lights 4. Afterglow 5. Elegie 6. Out of Body http://mouseonthekeys.net/?p=1195 https://twitter.com/mouseonthekeys
  12. CAT5

    Steven Tanaka just wrote a pretty interesting blog post on this "city pop revival" that's going on within Japanese indie. Now personally, I've always thought city pop was used to refer to a subset of Jpop...stuff like HITOMITOI, especia and others, but apparently the Japanese have also been using the term to refer to this new trend of Western sounding indie bands - stuff like the fin., awesome city club, never young beach, mitsume, and others. As such, I thought it might be a topic of interest for some of you and perhaps one worth discussing. @fitear1590, @seurong, @beni, @indigo, @Carmelzors- I'd definitely be interested in hearing what you guys think on the matter. http://www.nextmusicfromtokyo.com/?p=6585 And another article on city pop, which Steve links to in his post: http://www.japantimes.co.jp/culture/2015/07/05/music/city-pop-revival-literally-trend-name/#.WA5l7i0rKM9 Overall, I would have to agree with Steve. At the risk of sounding like some elitist weeb, I've always been more attracted to Japan's indie scene over a good bit of the indie stuff coming out of Europe and North America. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy indie music from all over, but Japan has always had a particular flavor to their musicality, to their rhythms, that you don't always hear replicated elsewhere. So while I do enjoy some of these up-and-coming "city pop" bands, I also can't help but feel that this is a much less exciting direction for Japan's indie scene in general. :/ I do disagree on a few of the minor details, though. Like siamese cats - I think those guys have only become better since "crossing over". D.A.N., is fairly enjoyable, and so is mitsume and never young beach. My major issue with these bands, though is that their styles have all gotten tiresome rather quickly for me. For instance, mitsume had some dope stuff on their EPs, but both of their full-lengths have been easily forgettable, and never young beach's new album is already snooze-worthy compared to the last. It's like all of these bands got the idea "let's play this specific style of music", but didn't think about how to expand upon that idea or truly make it their own after they exhausted said idea. Let's not forget the infamous "club club": awesome city club and summer club helsinki lambda club litchi hikari club marquee beach club Healthy Dynamite Club Ancient Youth Club ...etc From what I've heard, most of these bands have been pretty boring and haven't really done anything to stand out. I can perfectly understand why people would be into this "city pop" sound, though. In general, it's just easy-going, feel-good music. But with Japanese indie seeming to be in a relative slump in general (at least from my perspective), it's difficult for me not to take issue with this trend.
  13. CAT5

    I'm not even a huge mono fan, as I've only heard some of their recent material, but even with that, I can really get behind the sentiment of your review. There just isn't anything here that stops me in my tracks, let alone anything that I find particularly memorable. Certainly a disappointment for me following their previous two EPs.
  14. OGRE YOU ASSHOLE will release a new album on November 9th, 2016! 発売日 : 2016年11月9日(水) 曲目 : 01.ハンドルを放す前に 02.かんたんな自由 03.なくした 04.あの気分でもう一度 05.頭の体操 06.寝つけない 07.はじまりの感じ 08.ムードに 09.移住計画 10.もしあったなら https://twitter.com/oya_band http://www.ogreyouasshole.com/
  15. ドミコ will release their first full album on November 9th, 2016! tax in 2,300  RED0005 [収録曲] 1.my baby 2.まどろまない 3.グレープフルーツジュース 4.Pop,Step,Junk! 5.Slip In Pool 6.さなぎのなか 7.マイララバイ 8.haii 9.おーまいがー Album ver. https://twitter.com/hikarururururu http://www.domico-music.com/
  16. CAT5

    Yeah man, I imagine you're more familiar with her than I am, but I remember watching Canaan back in 2009, hearing that ED like "o.0, what's thisssssssssss!". Apparently Hasuo had produced a few tracks for her in the past. This was one of them (which sounds super SFP-ish imo): I'm not sure how Terui came into the picture, but I'm really glad he did. It seems like all of their separate aesthetics lined up perfectly.
  17. CAT5

    Yasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. I fucking love this album! One of my favorite releases this year hands down. I can't tell you how much time @Pho and I have spent fanboying over this release and the fact that this band exists in general. Obviously the school food punishment we knew will never be again, and even though I do enjoy la la larks, the six songs they've released are just a lukewarm continuation of sfp's major label sound and pale in comparison to the six songs by siraph so far. I do prefer Yumi overall to Annabel - though only by a hair because Annabel's vocal melodies can be a bit awkward at times, but it doesn't even matter - Hasuo + Terui is a fucking genius combination. With Haisuinonasa's fate up in the air (they lost their vocalist and haven't released an album in 4 years), this group forming has been one of the coolest things to happen in music for me in a good while. As for favorite songs - I can't even choose. It would be easier for me to point out a least fav, which would be the opener "in the margin" - It's still a good track, and obviously composed by Terui, but honestly that contrast between the vocals and the music can be a bit offputting. That's the only real low point for me here, which isn't much of a low at all tbh. Really hope this unit sticks around because their potential is just through the roof. They've been releasing demos of new songs that also sound amazing. We need a new release soon!
  18. CAT5

    WE ARE mol-74, thank you.
  19. CAT5

    They just premiered a new song called "D" here: http://clrvynt.com/lite-d-premiere/ I think it's ok..
  20. CAT5

    Well, I loved "EVOKE" from that album and "Melancholic" was good too, but overall the new album just had more of a luster to it than - at least enough to keep from completely dozing out.
  21. CAT5

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