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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by Cas

  1. Cas

    Kick A Chinese giant salamander?
  2. Cas

    ???? – ???????
  3. Cas

    Keep Fear?
  4. Cas

    Snow! I want snow. Like, right now. Come on, snow already. =(
  5. Cas

    Pupa – All It Takes
  6. Cas

    No Has your taste in music changed significantly over the past few years?
  7. Cas

    NO? Do you like chocolate cake?
  8. Cas

    I don't like strawberry milkshakes. Kick! Cherries?
  9. Cas

    Recommended some music to me.
  10. Cas

    Kick Youtube?
  11. Cas

    Ludovico Einaudi – Lady Labyrinth
  12. Cas

    No, not really. Have you ever had more than thirty browser tabs open?
  13. Cas

    Has a really cool avatar.
  14. Cas

  15. Cas

    Yeah, I kind of do. So, yes. Would you like to be turned into an anime character?
  16. Cas

    Is a fan of the Misfits. <3
  17. Cas

    Well, how about not spongy, or full of matter, or impenetrable, or not hollow? But no, it was an alright single, quite full of matter actually. ?? was definitely the highlight of the single for me, whereas SHIVER just left me cold. Not sure how I feel about Hesitating Means Death, though. It wasn't necessarily a bad song, but it didn't excite me much either. Overall, not spongy.
  18. Cas

    I'm not sure about any visual kei bands, but Coaltar of the Deepers, ?? (Tokusatsu), The Mad Capsule Markets and The Stalin are all great bands that definitely deserve more listeners.
  19. Cas

    Oh, these mini-albums are great indeed. Definitely give them a try.I personally lost all interest in their music after the release of not obtain+1/PLAY DOLLs, but I would suggest that you give their more recent albums a listen as well.
  20. Cas

    No more online personality tests for me. Nope. I've got plenty of personality now.
  21. Cas

    NO Do you like to argue a lot?
  22. Cas

    ??? – ???
  23. Cas

    According to status is dead.
  24. Cas

    Is going on vacation.
  25. Cas

    ??? – ?
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