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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by Cas

  1. Hmm, what exactly are the criteria for determining whether a specific band is overrated or not? Because right now I'm inclined to give the "every single artist that I have ever disliked is completely and utterly overrated" answer, so I'm just a little curious.

  2. Pity the tobacco hornworm caterpillar, which appears to have been outsmarted by its favourite food. Every time it feasts on tobacco leaves, it inadvertently converts molecules released by the plant into chemicals that call in the predatory big-eyed bug.

  3. I don't need anyone else to make important decisions for me. I'm more than capable of doing so myself. Also, I would greatly appreciate it if certain people would just keep their bigoted and irrational opinions to themselves and as far, far away from me as possible, thanks. <3

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