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Posts posted by Danao

  1. lol, some people should just wake up now

    Hey, UCP will close !! Kisaki end it at the end of the year ! You were seriously all thinking Lin would stay alive after that ? that news is not the surprise of the end of the year, it's just logical and not surprising at all

    From all the UCP bands that are still active, don't except more than 4 to stay alive after that

  2. The thread is about bad vocalists and not vocalists that you are not into


    @ Thedane, there's a difference between finding a singer bad just cause you don't like what he does, and the fact that he is actually bad, just be objective

    Cause I really don't get how people can find Ryuchi from Luna Sea bad, as he is known to be one of the best singer, and that's not only my opinion.

    Some people don't like Luna Sea, but still recognize Ryuchi is good at what he does.

    and If you don't know what a bad vocalist is, just check ver meer pv on youtube.

  3. I don't know how people can judge by watching the CM, you don't even hear 30sec preview of each songs x)

    And most of the songs you hear were previously released... we don't even know if they are going to be on the album

    I'm looking forward that album, I like his voice

  4. Well like i said, for me it would be best if all transcode threads get deleted, but it would still be a step forward if we would move them as soon as a legit rip turns up (or just close the threads like champ suggested.

    here's the problem, some people don't post their real rip cause a thread has already been made with a transcode

    They just think "the single has already been shared, I keep it for myself"

    that's why there shouldn't be any transcode at all on dl section

  5. Imo

    Transcode are okay IF it's a rare song you can't find anywhere, and will never obvs

    But it's ok if the transcode is not a bad shit under 128kbps

    If the transcode is a single/album you can easily find/buy, I think it's better to delete the post, cause it has nothing to do on the forum

    PS: for me Transcode don't belong to the dl section, maybe there should be a section or thread for that, or just put it on random topics.

  6. Gazette live is the place where you should not be ! xD

    Oh my I already see that, chubby fan girls wearing goth lolita dresses (which make them look like sausage) screaming in my ears everywhere, crying cause "RUKI IS SO KAWAIIIIIIII" and collapsing after they said "AOI FUCK MEEEEE" and some also pushing you cause "You don't know Gazette as we do, you don't deserve to see them !" (but they don't even know who is Uruha or Aoi, who cares about Guitar players !)

    And I also see the band not even paying attention to their fan base, just cause they don't like doing gigs in Europe hahaha, and selling the tickets 100€ or more cause "We're so f**king rocking the place, you're not used to that eh !!??"

    I definitely think this won't take place, as far as I know, they didn't like the gigs they gave in Europe some years ago, so I don't see the point of doing some more now

  7. Completely stupid to cut the Double encore, I don't see the point of doing that, really

    If Rose Jail is cut as it was on Salon de Chocolat, I think I'm going to kill someone near Kaya, cause I bought the DVD and it's pretty expensive.

  8. Hi

    As I said in the Shoutbox, I liked the tag mod that was used some times before

    It was cool when you make a new Topic on the DL Section to choose the tag (Album, Single, Live Distrib etc) with a color for each

    So what about bringing back that mod ?

    If the forum crash didn't happened cause of that, I think it's a good choice to put it back

    What do you think about that ?

  9. Everybody should return to his own band

    Yoshiki with X-japan, and release that album he mentionned like hundred times but nothing new at the moment

    Sugizo with LUNA SEA and release a new album, with new songs, cause we really need that

    Ans please don't do that SKIN thing, I mean 3 divas in it lol, it will last a month and break up cause of "musical differences" or something like that so...

  10. Yes yes yes of course see you in ten years when the album is going to be released

    OH WAIT that reminds me of new X-Japan album !

    where is it now ? hmm NOWHERE

    To be honest I like the preview, the music is good and SUGIZO is in it, I love him

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