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Posts posted by Danao

  1. Just posted today on facebook


    Ms. Floor Jansen is a keeper.

    Also, we will be a six-piece band from now on, as Mr. Troy Donockley
    (uilleann pipes, low whistles, vocals) will become a full-time member of

    Originally we were going to wait until 2014 to make
    a decision about the future line-up of the band, but the past year has
    clearly shown us that Floor and Troy are perfect matching pieces to our
    puzzle, and we are really grateful of the bond that has grown between
    all of us. We love you guys.


    Commented vocalist Floor Jansen: "Words cannot describe what I feel!
    This union is beyond everything and I cannot tell you how wonderful it
    is to continue this amazing journey with my new brothers! Once I had a
    dream…and this is it!!!"

    Piper/whistleman, added vocalist Troy
    Donockley: "`Imaginaerum World Tour´was a revelation to me and in that
    time, I became aware of a growing unity and then, finally, a
    transcendence of all the usual nonsense that affects bands. A beautiful
    process. And since the idea, the musical dream that is NIGHTWISH has
    been a part of me since before I was born, I am delighted to officially
    sail into uncharted waters with my brothers and sister. Wondrous scenes
    Ahoy! "

    The new line-up can be seen on the live / tour documentary DVD »Showtime, Storytime«, released on November 29th.

    Watch a brand new trailer, directed by Ville Lipiäinen here:



    We didn't see it coming at all... or not.

  2. I totally agree with most of the stuff said here


    I didn't came to the chat since a long time now, but what style said is true, I'm pretty sure we already talked about the modteam when I saw still going to the chat, and it was many months ago.


    I just browse randomly the forum, and days after days it's clear that some mods (by mods I mean moderators and admins) are just ghosts, you hardly see them posting stuff (in the news/ general discussion / whatever section) so yea imo a shuffle should be done

    And as far as the shuffle is concerned, I can't agree more with style, it HAS TO BE someone that loves what's inside the forum, how can someone want to do his modjob if he/she doesn't like it at all ?

    it would be impossible, he/she would not even come to the forum as there's nothing interesting for him/her, or maybe once a week


    It also needs to be someone active on the forum, you can't just put a ghost in the mod team and saying "I introduce you the new super duper great mod xxxxx", Users needs to know him/her so that they feel safer and optimists about what will happen with MH after his/her arrival

    Honestly If you put someone completely unknown, for me it would just be "okay they asked for a new mod, so he applied, he got recruited, and he will disappear again in the mist of time"

    be careful of who you will recruit, cause you can't change people's nature, some people do seem like they could become good mods, but if they lack of interest on what's here, or are lazy, or never post anything etc etc, that won't change, or maybe it will change for 2 weeks (because of glory obvs)


    And as far as "who the new mod is going to be" I think some people clearly have what a mod needs, interests in VK, JPOP, KPOP, Whatever, I'm pretty sure it won't be hard to find them (and you already found one 5 posts above mine)


    Anyway I understand that mods lose interest in what's inside the forum, and then you don't come on it anymore, but then why staying as a mod ? it's not like it's the most glorious thing in life, to become a mod on a forum


    I think I finished °-° I'll keep an eye on what's here, that's an interesting topic, and I hope people will give their opinion insead of just dl'ing and close the forum <_<

  3. Juri album including DELUHI self cover songs, is he fucking serious ? can't he create new songs seriously or is he just not imaginative enough to do that ? plus this album will probably have Leda and Sujk, so this is SOOOO useless


    Edit: Trombe told me, and he's right, it doesn't mean it will include DELUHI songs only, my bad I was stupid on that point, but still, it's useless for the DELUHI covers (especially if it's songs that were already re recorded in Vandalism)


    *runs with his rant*

  4. lol @ The Greatest Thing, don't like Cher vocals at all, it's sounds like they lowered the tone of someone's voice to make it sound more "mature" more like Cher xD clearly not the song of the year x)


    PS: it's not the final version it seems, so as a Demo, voice is not as it is on the final version

  5. I'm not really saying they are singing like shit, as a band they are OK (or good or whatever, depends on tastes), but if you take them separatly, it's completely different, none of them would have release an album if they were alone, or it would have make low sales compared to what One Direction is doing now (at least at the moment of X Factor, now with all the popularity they have, I guess they can do it, not sure if it'd work though)


    So for me they are an OK band, I don't understand all the popularity they have, and the only reasons I find for that are: They are cute AND they are omnipresent on the web (twitter, facebook whatever), these two things made everything for the band, and they are concious of that


    And yes, Tokio Hotel had a huge amount of fangirls, that's not the news of the day, and it was clearly not only in Europe


    I didn't speak about Tokio Hotel and Bieber to compare them in term of popularity, just to say that One Direction is just the new trend, like Tokio Hotel was some years ago, and like Bieber was when Tokio Hotel's member began to vanish in Kaulitz hair *joke*


    Now Tokio Hotel is lost somewhere in the middle of music market, making a new album since some years and nobody is speaking of them (except me here obvs), Bieber is trying to do his rebellion to break the clean image he has since his beginning and he is loosing popularity (at least here in Europe but probably not only here),


    and the same will happen to One Direction, they are popular now, but what will happen in a year, or two ? (I'm not creating that, One Direction said it themselves, that they know they are really popular now, but they don't know if it will last long)


    and ofc when One Direction will loose popularity, a new band/singer will pop up, explode every charts, become the new trend that girls like, then disapear and a new will pop up etc etc etc (and maybe Tokio Hotel will become again one of this new trend, or One Direction or another band we already know)




    PS : Didn't get why you Danao is saying that when you are a SHINEe fan lol


    Urgh, the fact that I like SHINee means I can't say anything about any boys band ?


    And lol, I never checked where SHINee is coming from, but it's not the same country, it's not the same music market (cause yea Korea mostly has Boys / Girls band)

    And also, SHINee's been around since 2008, One Direction since 2010 / 2011 (release of first album), so that's not really a good comparison xD


    Don't really get why you are speaking of SHINee, guess it's just cause of my sign °_°

  6. They are cute, that's their talent.


    Otherwise they were all ejected from X Factor when they were singing alone, then Simon Cowell decided to do something with them, that's all


    As solo artists, they are nothing (or mostly nothing)


    He had the great idea to put together 5 cute boys, ofc it would work, girls are lost since Tokio Hotel is nowhere to be found, and Justin Bieber prefer to show his ass rather than his vocal skills x)


    The fact that they are omnipresent on Social Networks did everything

  7. I am not complaining that they release "last" something


    I was just pointing out that Wsp is right on what he said


    So far I bought every "last" release from UCP bands => CindyKate DVD, Megaro live single, Vior gloire live single, NEGA live DVD and I'll buy the ones release lately, so yea I'm happy about that too


    But yea it's normal, these bands are disbanding, of course we will have many last things or best of or whatever, to put a good end to their band life



    I think it's somewhat of common sense among VK fans that anything rooting back to UCP is automatically categorized as a milking process by Kisaki


    Yes and no, as I said, he's trying to make money, but that is his job, he is/was a label director, main goal is to make money and music and produce bands, so for me, nothing bad about it, especialy because what he is selling lately is not overpriced



    Btw, what's the problem? Japanese fans usually just like 1 band, so they don't care if Lin or CindyKate released  ~~last~~ stuff, they'll just have interest on Megaromania's. I also don't like any other UCP bands, but i want Megaromania's one...


    I don't really any the link between what we said, and your comment here.

  8. really wanna that. seems like its a bootleg DVD though D:


    Hmm source ?


    so far Megaro has 4 DVDs (I count the one in Quintessence Voyage), and some bootlegs, but for their last live, I clearly don't see them doing a bootleg


    Plus Wsp is right, wether it's going to be released under UCP or not, they are a band from UCP label, and don't play with words, saying that they are gone from UCP and disbanded,


    they are from UCP, that's all. so are Lin, CindyKate etc etc


    It's like the Fifth time we hear "last" something :


    - Last Lin LIVE DVD

    - Last Megaro LIVE DVD

    - Last CindyKate LIVE DVD

    - Last Vior gloire live limited single

    - Last Megaro live limited single


    and there are some other examples


    He's trying to make money it's true, but seeing the prices of these DVDs, he's not milking us (or they are not milking us, as some are released under other labels, like Goemon Records), compared to some bands who sell their DVDs for 7000yen or more, without being as important as a major band

    I see that as a  gift to the fans AND a way to make money


    Anyway, I love that band, so I will probably buy that, as usual

  9. Yea the first one is classical/acoustic versions of hide's songs (mostly without vocals at all)


    The second one is more something like a best album with a different mix than the original ones, made by Ina, sound is more electro ^^


    The classical one seems to be really interesting

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