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Posts posted by Evilas

  1. Hard time chosing. Dead tree, Ugly, Karasu, ryoujoku no ame, beelzebub. The problem is that the only songs by DeG I don't like are english versions of dozing green and glass skin. Those are awful for my ears. kyogrish at its best.

  2. ... it also says that Lotus was remastered and Hageshisa re-recorded with their 7 strings.

    Weirdly enough Wikipedia says that DS, HT and LOTUS we're all remastered...

    implying wikipedia is reliable source of information.

    Ontopic: Well, I hoped for awesome album and got it. Won't make full review because it would look almost exactly same like Wonrei review. The only thing I disliked is beggining of hageshisa which sound like shit compared to single, the rest of it is actually better, at least for me while listening on headphones.

  3. Haha , I'll have problem chosing the best album from 2010 (envy , world's end girlfriend , the back horn and some more albums coming) but I have no trobule chosing the worst one. Mucc has officially died for me.

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