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Posts posted by DeithX252

  1. not really impressed, but this is the list that I enjoyed so far:


    TK from 凛として時雨 - contrast


    cinema staff - Drums,Bass,2(to)Guitars

    V.A. - ROCK AND SYMPATHY -tribute to the pillows-

    palitextdestroy - twilight

    浮遊スル猫 - フカシンリョウイキ

    和楽器バンド - ボカロ三昧

    Shores - Life/Lost



    the album that I am waiting is gonna release in this midyear or more, I have to wait :)

  2. Ok here is mine!

    01. What are you listening to right now?
    ゲスの極み乙女。 - サカナの心
    02. What song(s) make(s) you sad?
    Hope ac by Hanatan, her emotional voice make my heart sad
    03. What is the most annoying song in the world?
    any Kpop songs
    04. 3 all time favorite Japanese bands?
    I can't mention just 3, too many band that I like LOL. Thing come first in my mind: A Ghost Of flare, Arbus, -PF AUDIO-
    05. 3 all time favorite non-Japanese bands?
    huh? dunno
    06. Your favorite recently discovered band is?
    07. Favorite female voice(s)?
    Yanagi Nagi, Maaya Sakamoto, Hanatan, Ichiko Aoba, F9/Kiyono, Aimer
    08. Favorite male voice(s)?
    cinema staff's vocalist, Shohei from Translations, hmmm forget the other
    09. Music type you find yourself listening to most?
    Extreme metal lately, and some indie rock
    10. What do you listen to, to hype you up?
    Rock and metal songs! Oh and pop punk is good for mood booster
    11. What do you listen to when you want to calm down?
    Post rock, ballad song from doujin artist or anisong
    12. Last gig/concert you went to?
    A Ghost of Flare live last year
    13. Band you find yourself listening to the most right now?
    huh? no idea, have a hard time for it
    14. Most hated band?
    nothing in particular
    15. Song that makes you think?
    song that has complex structure like math rock, math core, etc
    16. Band that you think the world should love as much as you do?
    A Ghost Of Flare, BIGMAMA, I cannot mention all lol
    17. Favorite music video?
    can't choose one
    18. Can you play a musical instrument?
    Yeah, a bass, I can play keyboard int the past, now I forget how
    19. Are you in a band?
    not at now, but I want to some day XD
    20. Do you wish you could play an instrument? If so, which one?
    Hmmm, I want to try Drumming
    21. Best all-girl band you know of?
    Negoto <3
    22. Last song that you heard on the radio/CD…etc…?
    don't remember
    23. What do you think of Classical music?
    I think it's good but I rarely listen to this kind of music
    24. What do you think of Country music?
    hmmmmmm, dunno
    25. What do you think of Death metal?
    Prefer melodic death metal, it's great!
    26. What do you think of Visual Kei?
    as long as it has good music, it's ok. But I hate the bands that disbanded quickly
    27. What do you think of Hip-hOP?
    28. If you were a musical instrument what would you be?
    29. What do your parents listen to?
    Just listening to random thing they like lol
    30. Favorite movie/anime/video game sound track?
    Madoka Magica OST, and any OST made by Yuki Kajiura
    31. Do you know the names of all the band members that you listen to?
    32. Have you met any famous musicians?
    yeah, anisong artists like LiSA, 7!!, Stereopony, Angela at AFAID 2012. I can't believe I can see them in front of my eyes LOL XD
    33. Do you follow the music charts, like the top 40?
    don't care
    34. Do you watch music TV?
    35. Do you listen to the radio?
    never hahaha
    36. What are 3 of your favorite albums ever?
    supercell - Today Is A Beautiful Day, -PF AUDIO- - twelve equal, Hanatan - MISERICORDIA
    37. Name one album that you regret listening to
    38. Do you buy music digitally?
    yeah if it is impossible to purchase physical CD
    39. Favorite Visual Kei band?
    girugamesh, nocturnal bloodlust
    40. What is one band that you used to love, but now hate?
    ONE OK ROCK, I don't like them because overrated now, still like to hear their older album
    41. Does Engrrrrrish bother you?
    42. What genre could you never listen to?
    R&B, rap, and other mainstream music like japanese idol group, Kpop etc
    43. What language do you listen to the most in music?
    any language is ok!
    44. Do you like long songs?
    sometime I like it when listening at right time
    45. How often do you download music?
    Very often!!
    46. Are there any specific bitrates that you prefer?
    mp3 V0, FLAC, aac 256
    47. What do you think of autotune?
    It is not bad if used it properly
    48. What do you think of Noise (music)?
    49. Do you prefer listening to music on speakers or with headphones?
    50. What musician(s) are you most physically atracted to?
    Kurosaki Maon, she is so hot <3. Also LiSA, Masuda Mizuki from Negoto, MARiA from Garnidelia, Nohana from Stereopony, Megumi Nakajima, Aki Toyosaki, I prefer like girls with music instrument XD. Weird fetish
    51. If you could bring back any disbanded band, which one would it be?
    52. If you HAD to stereotype your music tastes, what would you be considered? (in example -a metal-head, hip-hop, goth, hipster, etc..)
    Metal head and indie head maybe XD
    53. How much on average do you listen to music?
    minimal 2 hours per day maybe
    54. How big is your digital music collection?
    232 GB for Japanese Music LOL, and I don't have many western or other asian music XD
    55. How many physical CDs do you own?
    I think I have 20 or more...... not sure
    56. What song will you play at your Wedding?

    buzzG - しわ (feat. F9). This song is for everlasting couple
    57. What song will you play at your Funeral?

    Pay money To my Pain - Sweetest vengeance
    58. What dead musician would you bring back?
    K from PTP
    59. Best intro to a song?
    supercell - 終わりへ向かう始まりの歌
    60. Favorite album cover?

    cover artwork designed by kagami
    61. Two artists or bands that you'd like to see collaborate?
    Aki Toyosaki and Iwata machi (aquarifa's vocalist), I think their voice is similar XD
    62. Do you wear band etc T-shirts?
    I just have one official t-shirt, A Ghost Of Flare's T-shirt
    63. Song that describes your life?
    no idea
    64. Are any of your friends/family etc. musicians?
    yeah, but not professional musician
    65. Quote one of your favorite lyrics?
    I don't remember any fave lyric or something like that..
    66. What was the last single you downloaded?
    7Years To Midnight - the door to
    67. What was the last album you downloaded?
    ゲスの極み乙女。 - みんなノーマル
    68. What was the first album you ever bought?
    errrrrrr I don't remember
    69. What was the last album you bought?
    Aoi Eir - AUBE
    70. What would life be like for you without music?
    71. What do you think about mainstream music today?
    hmmm I don't care because I never care
    72. What do you think about KPOP?
    I hate it and never listened to it
    73. Do you think the people around you have weird/bad taste?
    yeah maybe XD
    74. Do people (in general) think you have a weird/bad taste in music?
    weird only, not bad taste
    75. Is music very important to you?
    yeah ofc
    76. Do you wish you could sing? If so, what style?
    any style
    77. What was your favorite genre a long time ago? Has it changed since?
    Symphonic and power metal, now I prefer metalcore or melodic death metal,etc. Oh and I still like Anisong music and doujin music, never change until now
    78. Is there a song you find very special to you?

    supercell - Perfect Day, it is always pleasure to play this song when you are in sorrow...
    79. What artists/musicians inspire you?
    TK (Ling tosite sigure), Leda (DELUHI), IKUO
    80. What do you usually listen to music on (computer, phone, ipod, etc)?
    81. Do you listen to entire albums or specific songs?
    depending on mood, when I have time I listen the whole album
    82. One song that makes you happy?

    When I have time to listening music, I am happy
    83. What song do you never get tired of?

    from my last fm: Nocturnal Bloodlust – A Day To Re:Member
    84. A song you like that was made before you were born?

    A song by Air Supply, ah I don't remember the title
    85. What song makes you want to fall in love?
    mamenoi - 旅の終わり. This song is so lovely
    86. What song would you make love to?

    Aimer - 笑顔
    87. What song makes you want to dance?

    all songs by FALILV
    88. What song reminds you of summertime?

    here is summer everyday XD
    89. What song reminds you of someone you would rather forget about?

    no ideaaaaaa
    90. Do you sing in the shower?
    91. Do you ever make music mixes/mixtapes for other people?
    92. How do you find new music?
    Internet and explore youtube video. Also twitter help you to expand music knowledge
    93. What artist/band do you enjoy that most people think sucks?
    no idea
    94. Best active VK band?
    Dir en grey maybe?
    95. What do you think of Yoshiki?
    I like his arrangement in the past, but now he think he is the most popular people in social media LOL
    96. Do you Cosplay?
    97. Do you prefer visual or non-Visual Bands?
    non visual for now
    98. Do you read music-related fanfiction?
    99. Who in J-rock do you think is actually a vampire?
    Hyde, Gackt, Takanori Nishikawa
    100. Last J-rock song you fell in love with?
    グッドモーニングアメリカ - この世の果てまで
    101. Favorite Japanese guitarist?
    I like Leda in the past, but now many talented guitarists so I can't choose one lol
    102. Favorite Japanese bassist?
    IKUO is still my fave
    103. Favorite Japanese drummer?
    Gaku Taura, a young drummer and as additional drummer for band like Hone Your Sense, A Ghost Of Flare, Crystal Lake, etc, he has talent!
    104. Best Dressed Japanese band?

    VK band?
    105. What are you listening to now?

    YeYe - パレード

  3. la-la-larks-ego-izm-promo-600_zps565a6e4

    la la larks will release major debut single titled "ego-izm" on 4 June 2014. They are now under Victor Entertainment sub-label FlyingDOG, and the song will be  the ending theme song for the anime "M3 ~Sono Kuroki Hagane~."


    so how do you think? Myself cannot wait for the song and to hear Yumi's voice again

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