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Status Updates posted by stylelover

  1. ice cream cake ♥

    1. zombiesatemycereal


      gimme that gimme that gimme that gimme that gimme that gimme that

  2. i hereby declare random weekday plug :3

    1. beni


      HERE WE COME! <3

  3. pick me up pick me up

  4. mh is back-party

  5. we are mumu~ing (turntabling) in a bit. come join us : http://www.mumu.io/player/monochrome-heaven

  6. that new AKLO album <3

  7. born/lycaon today. yay?

  8. never had so mixed feelings about a new band. one song is horrible and the other songs are good. not sure if hate or love.

  9. yay pokemon demo finally

  10. if anyone could help me creating a small banner image for an event > pm . thanks

  11. selling arlequin´s "無花果" if anyones interested. pm

  12. pls someone gift german itunes cards to me, spend too much today D:

  13. anyone here playing op treasure cruise?

  14. #freethestallion

  15. life goes on~~ and then its over.

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