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Posts posted by deadman

  1. Nooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!

    I LOVE Sel'm!!!!!

    They are one of the best "new"(i mean none of them was famous before)band post '05 in the scene

    its sad,but,yeah...predictable

    i have been thinking about this since last time saw them live....

    they are too underrated.....atleast in japan

    its been 6 years since they started...yet they still cant hold a one man live at a place bigger than shibuya o-west

    some much worse band are doing better than them,it must feel really frustrated.

    i really really hate this side of vk....it sucks!!!!! :xxx::xxx:

  2. I don't get all the sivaism here.

    cocklobin is a total step-up from a shame that siva was for the most part

    (and they went downhil even more with iori's departure, lack of other member's talent shows itself)


    ive been fan of iori since phobia era

    i dont get why he got so much hate when it come to band like siva

    hes been to so much better band before,

    siva sucks,iori was wasting his talent in siva(so does cell),im so happy his leave the band

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