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Everything posted by Rosà

  1. Rosà

    Versailles. It's simple. Because of their power (Noble), because of the idea, classic inspirations with metal sounding (really good), Kamijo doesn't sing with a falsetto and.. Yea. Teru's Libido *.*
  2. Rosà

    Totally agree with it. But I don't agree that all songs kick ass. Zombie was kind of meh. Ai To Kanashimi no nocturne too... We'll see! Have high hopes for his titles. But kinda confused about Holy Grail ~amoroso~ and giving sympathia. Long instrumental? Na, since Silent Knight there wasn't kind of this may be good. But another re-take should be on single. naa, and of course "Ayakashi", "Illusion" and "Rose" on one CD= oh god, why... -.-
  3. Rosà

    Afaik he's basing on the riffs he made and mix them in some kind of way. What a smart cookie... xD Anyway I'm worried about next 10-minutes-long song. It's again by Hizaki, Faith & Decision was nice, but in the second part and should've been split. Hope the parts of the song will fit each other now. Suppose, that in one of TERU's songs will be included "Threshold". He's written on his blog or somewhere, that it's part of the fastest Versailles song [200 bpm] (wasn't released - maybe now?)
  4. Rosà

    Idk if was posted, but if someone is interested. It was on a board of Official Polish Street Team of Versailles about new album: 1.Prelude Music: KAMIJO 00:01:35 2.ROSE Lyrics: KAMIJO Music: HIZAKI 00:05:22 3.Rhapsody of the Darkness Lyrics: KAMIJO Music: HIZAKI 00:04:53 4.Edge of the World Lyrics: KAMIJO Music: TERU 00:05:17 5.Illusion Lyrics: KAMIJO Music: KAMIJO 00:05:05 6. 妖 ~ayakashi~ Lyrics: KAMIJO Music: MASASHI 00:04:35 7.Created Beauty Lyrics: KAMIJO Music: HIZAKI 00:10:05 8.Holy Grail -amoroso- Music: Versailles 00:05:01 9.Brave Lyrics: KAMIJO Music: TERU 00:04:31 10. Truth Lyrics: KAMIJO Music: KAMIJO 00:04:42 11. Sympathia Lyrics: KAMIJO Music: HIZAKI
  5. Rosà

    Hallo, Red Rum! Mein Gott, ich war nicht da nur 2 Wochen und so viel Neues on MH...! Ryu, nicht schwer zu verstehen, ich habe Angst vom Fragen, wie die Aussprache aussieht... xD Rechtschreibung sieht meiner Meinung nach ein bisschen komisch..! Versuche mal Polnisch zu lernen Naa, ich habe noch eine Frage. Ich verstehe diese neue Sachen nicht ganz. Wie wird solch eine JaME-ahnlich Sache? Ist das ein Teil von MH oder etwas was ganz Anderes? Und teamspeak ist etwas wie shoutbox hier?
  6. Rosà

    Ist ähnlich? Aber auch flektiert sich so viel wie Deutsch? Nach meiner Meinung ist aber sehr schwer basis mitt chatten zu lernen. Vielleicht kennen sie einige Seiten mit einfachen Regeln, um Sätze zu bilden? Oder mit etwas Wortschatz? Ich weis nicht... Zahlen, Colors, usw. ^^ Ach, die Seite funktioniert nicht mehr...
  7. Rosà

    Ryu, aus Interrese muss ich fragen: ist Niederländisch Deutsch ähnlich? Was finden Sie besser? Es war eine Zeit, wann ich gedacht habe, Niederländisch zu lernen, aber ich konnte keine gute Online-Kurse finden. Vielleicht könnten Sie mir etwas empfehlen, um sog. "Basics" kennen zu lernen? Eine andere Frage: ist Steff von Asten ein Schreiber? Oder so was? ^^
  8. Yaaay! That was I was waiting for ^^ This piece ov news made my day ^^ High hopes for sth good after MOO
  9. Rosà

    C'mon guys, let's buy re-released re-released GLITTER, it's what we need But not to make OT. Hope it'll be better than SALOME. It was just bad. Sth like Vampire Requiem at least.
  10. Rosà

    Woa! A new single! How nice! Really interesting. Hope he's working on something really good. But the re-release re-released in 2008 CD is joke, rite? xD If not, then.. OMG, what the hell is this? XD
  11. Rosà

    My question is: did I miss something? I didn't know, by now, that they're planning something. And this mysterious countdown is like omg.. They should have put ":" between hous, minutes and seconds... xD @.@ Anyway, really curious about something new. It could be a single, or a next compilation album, OR a new album, which they hide by now. We'll see! Waiting for it, even, if MOO is kind of weird.
  12. Rosà

    Schade, Champ, dass Sie noch keinen Urlaub haben... Umzug ist auch keine gute Entspannung, sondern Arbeit nach Arbeit. Aber ich wünsche Ihnen, dass Sie schnell mit dem Umzug fertig werden und sich noch ein bisschen erholen Noch, eine Gelegenheit dazu: vielen Dank fur meine Nickveränderung Ikna, vielleich wäre besser in nächsten Tagen! Haben Sie nie verreist? Bei mir ist ein Pottpouri: einal kalt, einmal so heiß, dass man nicht ertragen kann. Vielleich geht es ein bisschen sparen und im nächsten Jahr irgendwohin zu verreisen? Ich verreise in diesem Jahr ca. 13 August auf Kanarische Inseln... Mit meiner Familie. Aber, paradoxerweise, das freut mich nicht, meine feste Freundin bleibt hier... Schadee.
  13. Rosà

    Imo there's no way to stop re-uploading stuff somewhere else. You don't get the gold point, which will by satysfying everyone. MH exclusives will remind a close zone, where anyone, who we don't trust won't have something. Kind of strange make too much strict on these. Ppl should change their way of doing everything...
  14. Rosà

    http://nodeovlove.tumblr.com/ --> with reviews, but written in polish, will think about doing kinds of these reviews in English
  15. Rosà

    But isn't that a little tiring to check everything again, if it was only a small change? Would be possible to edit the posts by yourself with no need to accepting it again? Yea, clear. And this stopped also empty topics like "guys, tell me what y'a think, I'll do review after listening" xD It was suuch pathetic... Thank you very much for this explanation ^^
  16. Rosà

    What about CDBaby - I agree. There's nothing about good japanese stuff. 7digital have at least Versailles, 1 or two albums from OZ and that's everything, I found by this time. iTunes unfortunately needs this shitty program to your PC and some more to funktion. Amazon... I tried to create account, my bank card was refused there, and they don't accept paypal. Kind of shame...
  17. Rosà

    Or you can get a CDrip from your friend or someone, who bought a CD. Kind of pointless, right.
  18. Rosà

    Na, juristische Ausdrücke sind bunt, aber machen das Leben komplizierter... xD Ich hab' eine Frage. Es ist halb Sommer, so ich denke und viele von Ihnen verreisen, manche nicht. Waren Sie irgendwo im Ausland? Oder verbringen Sie ihren Urlaub im Heimat? Wie ist es bei Ihnen? ^^
  19. Rosà

    Hi, it's me.. again. (yea, I did know you'll be happy xD) I have a little question about reviews forum. I know that each post ist in kind of queue to accept by moderator (that's great idea!), but the confusion is because of editing post. I've posted some days ago a review of NEGAs album VANITAS, it was accepted, but when I wanted to edit the post (because of some bolds, only to make it more esthetic), after submitting it disappeared, and I don't know, why. The last post is mine (it's on the right side), but the post vanished. Is it again in queue to accept it? Sth broke? Can someone help me and make it clear, what actually happened?
  20. Rosà

    Tagging as "only for MH" is a good idea, but the problem will be, when it goes further. I mean here situation, when almost everything will be exclusive, will be less and less releases, to which people have an access. Now I observe the trend that some new releases are tagged as "MH exclusive", what fore for comment and you are not sure, if you get from someone link or not. Wouldn't be better if it was a tag for veery rare releases (Idk, demo tapes, live distributed CD, time-limited CD, CDs really hard to get or to purchuase because of big cost, like Node Of Scherzo)? It's much more fair than tagging like this new releases, which you can just buy! I know, maybe it's unpopular opinion, but imvho that's the way it should go. Otherwise, why don't do all DL section as MH-exclusive? It's less secure, of course, but much more fair for those, who really like some bands and want complete the discography and couldn't be at concert or haven't got money, or buying is impossible, or any GOOD reason.
  21. For entertainment this summer I bought online two Korpiklaani singles: Rauta and Metsalle (2,58 GBP) and preordered Korpiklaani Manala for 61 PLN (almost 18 $/ 15 Euro). It was a discount, and cheaper than thru official webstore (18 Euro) ^^
  22. Rosà

    I don't know why I haven't posted my opinion about Vanitas yet. To be honest, it's not the NEGA I knew from Grave Of The Sacrifice or earlier. It's the too-much-PERESTROIKA'ed NEGA, which I hate right now. Jin had some ideas, but after a hiatus... Idk, maybe they should've never play again as NEGA? But anyway, my personal opinion about band will keep for now here, let's do a small review of Vanitas. Vanitas Vanitatum - piano, piano, more piano, something chaotic. Tried to do climate but not THAT way! Feeled nothing while listening. Some synth, whispers. Only kind of mess. Moreover, incompatible end of song with drums, guitars and vocals. What for? Doesn't fit, simply. 0/6, cos if it was a clear SE, will be no note for it. Purgatory – nice intro, brutal for NEGA. The first minute was kind of good, like the previous NEGA. In general the rest of song irritates me. Blend of PERESTROIKA sound and repetitive… chorus? Can I so say? Bland, it’s really bad idea for them to mix so such a soft and harder stuff in that way. 1/6, or 1.5/6 Fable In The Cold Bed – melodic intro… Soo soft to vomit… Really heavy part for guitars and drums. And then something close to Purgatory. Screams are veery nice! Then, again, bland PERESTROIKA. How it can be to make from a really good song with some positive potential kind of shit? Anyway, nice try to return. 1/6 Goodbye Human – catchy try in chorus? Nothing memorable at all! Didn’t even noticed when it came to the end. 0/6. Biran Yue’ni – the first song I kind of like. Reminds me a lot older NEGA songs. What I really like in this song it’s chorus. Verses are soft and bland. A really like the screaming at the end. This chaos make me feel happy, really! Tamdadadamdam, tamdadadamdam… xD Solid one. But there’s huge lack of something. 3.5/6. V-Rock Is Dead – good joke, NEGA, good joke. Totally out of style. Still the same beat… And heavy part, what makes… Only worse for this song. Skipped after half of the song. 0/6. Tamerau Kotonaku Blank Wo Kizutsuketa Yubisaki wa – not that bad. Typical NEGA song. Nothing special. Jin’s vocals are really good here. But the music. I kinda feel: “Yea, I’ve heard it before… somewhere”. USE NO SYNTH, PLEASE! 2.5/6 Manashiki Sei No Guui Almost Equals Shi No Imi – could be nice if it was more organized. They didn’t have any concept for this song. And, seriously? To sit 12 minutes to hear everything? Would be better to do 2 tracks for 3 or 4 minutes. And get out these PERESTROIKA shitty moments again…! The second one I kinda like. But too long for me. 4/6. Will – listened to it several times and found NOTHING to comment here. Definitely not my music taste. 1/6. 2012 – no ideas for title? Hahaha xD too much synth here again. So remeind me PERESTROIKA. Bad chose for the album. It fits more HeartZ or PainZ, not NEGA album! 0/6. Deluge – next try to big return to NEGA’s sound. Again, really nice intro I like. To be honest it’s solid song. What I really like most… Not vocals, but the idea of song. This mix is for them listenable. Very heavy parts come into softer, typical for NEGA. Yeah! 5/6. Hindsight – bored with it. Nothing more to add. Another song without any idea. 0/6. Omnia Vanitas – one listenable SE, clear piano, make sense here. It’s kind of soft , but no note for SE. Resonance – why the hell they didn’t make album in this kind of sound! It’s really nice song, almost masterpiece! It’s the NEGA I’ve expected after their return! 6/6! Overall: around 1.7/6. That’s sad, what happened to NEGA after brake. Three or four songs, which I choose as listenable… Terrible. So let’s make a deal NEGA. Kick your asses and make something better or get back to PERESTROIKA. It’s not the way you should go along. Amen.
  23. Rosà

    Thank you very much for your help! Will try with japanese iTunes, hope, the language could be changed at least to english, I can't japanese xD 7digital.com is availible, but the selection is too small for me. Just bought Korpiklaani there. xD Anyway, I'll try it. Thank you very much again
  24. Rosà

    Hi guys, I have a little question. I'm searching for pages, where I can buy some Japanese music. For me is very important, that I could buy MP3s or m4as online for my cash in Paypal account... Do you know such sites? Can you recommend me sth? Thank you in advance for kindness and any help!
  25. Rosà

    It's hiatus. Musicans want to focus on a growth and self- composing
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