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Posts posted by Rosà

  1. My favorite albums/minis/singles of 2012 (order is totally random):

    1. D - Namonaki Mori No Yumegatari

    2. Korpiklaani - Manala

    3. Sabaton - Carolus Rex

    4. Exist Trace - Virgin

    5. Kaya - Salome (after some long time XD)

    6. Moi Dix Mois - Reprise

    I haven't more right now. If I have something more, I'll tell

  2. I've written in "news" section that I didn't like this release. It's obvious that I explain here why.

    First song: Rinkaku. Nice music, to the instrumentals here nothing to say it's wrong. Quiet catchy, soft. I like them. But the vocal style... my god. Kyo shouldn't sing this way. His higher vocals for almost all the time (except of some moments where he's singing - let's say - "normally") are more and more irritating. I prefer him growling. It's good for him he can sing so good after so many hospitalizations, but please... The only impression during hearing this song was "oh my god, how long it will be? 2 minutes... 1.30... please, stop this". I give it simply 2/5, because of instrumentals.

    Second song: Kiri to mayu -2012-: bghbbbfhgfrrrhhooohfhbbhfbfhfhhfbfho yaaaaaaaaoooooohbhfbhffbhgbfhgb yaoooooohhhbghghbohhhbfhbohfbhgbhgofhgb <----- and so one. Did I miss something? Awww, yea... somewhere "Kiri to Mayu!". Oh. I thought it was Tsumi to batsu vol. 3, but didn't expect this song. It's brutal, no doubts. The mastering and idea of re-recording just terrible. It's definitely not to listen. 0/5

    Not intrested in remix at all after such a... original experience.

    To be honest, it's even worse than MOO. MOO had at least a concept. What we have here? Nothing. I miss old dir en grey from withering to death/uroboros era. I have no idea what happened to them, experiment in this way doesn't fit them. It's waste of money for this single to buy and... Yea. Don't expect too much from their next release in April.

  3. Totaly unexpected...

    First nothing for a very long time, then a single, new mini... I wouldn'y be suprised if they announce new full album soon.

    To be honest I'm not really excited. I like some of their stuff but recent works aren't as good as f.ex. Uroboros. I didn't like MOO too much and i didn't like Rinkaku either. If it will be something like this again I'll propably give up with DEG. They're important to me in some way and will ever be, but CD after CD i'm looking more and more down to them, not up, as I usual have been doing for a very long time.

  4. Sadly can't agree, Zess. None of them is from indie era. Even Ascendead Master is from first major single. Or I missed something.

    I was saying that Aristocrat's Symphony and The Love From A Dead Orchestra are from their indie era, but God Palace sure isn't.

    Sorry then, I was thinking you're still talking 'bout actual TL

  5. F**k them! LOL it's a really awful tracklist, and answer to Zess, those tracks are from their indie era, maybe is for that :S

    Only two of them are.

    Sadly can't agree, Zess. None of them is from indie era. Even Ascendead Master is from first major single. Or I missed something.

    Anyone will be purchasing this? Or only the last song? I'm thinking about it, but, well... Maybe the last song. I'll purchuase afaI have ability to do this (I won't order whole CD). And then will upload. High hopes for it...!

    But, to be honest... Why making a compilation for 2013 if they're hiatusing in 2012? Kind of poor joke, still like them in some way but would be better if they had made a compilation for 5th anniversary, then kind of mini album, which will include rose, rhapsody of the darkness songs and three new ones (or even two, but NEW)

  6. Ait. Maybe quality 128 is not so good, if you can rip it yourself just do it!

    Argument about "cruel" bitrate 192 is not so convincing for me. I understand ppl want to do a promotion or something. But it's up to them if they would mind sharing better rips or not. It doesn't matter if it will be 2013 or 2345. It's not bad. Better have kind of this rip and try to find better (or buy CDs) than having nothing, but it's a little OT...

    to the transcodes problem. I see this interesting:

    And why not getting a new mod? or a few mods? who check out those transcodes.

    And who put them where they belong.

    How should it work in practice?

  7. ^

    Can't we make a poll?

    About this topic?

    But it's just not a good idea to put them into the random song thread. <- because I also think that one should stay clean.

    So I highly think that there should be a thread or sub forum where people can post transcodes, if people want to keep it.

    If people don't wanna keep it, then there should be a staff member who people can ask, if they are not sure if it is a transcode yes or no.

    But I think we should keep it.

    That there should be a thread or sub forum where people can post those releases who are not yet ripped from a CD. Not everyone want to wait weeks or months till someone is so nice to rip the CD.

    Agree in some parts. About staff member, about cleaning the random song thread and a poll. I understand the idea of random songs of found in the web, not on youtube :P

    Ryu, why so? Quality loss is not that bad if someone doesn't care so much about it. But making quality higher than it really is is pathetic and stupid. The rest I find OK.

  8. I read all the posts, observe this topic, I dunno why i didn't write something here by now. I think that banning transcodes is a fight with windmills - so give up with this idea. It can be tagged as [TRANSCODE], as Champ and others said, but let me be honest: transcodes are quiet unfair. If we have a file in 128 or even 192 kbps, upload it in this quality and add information about bitrate! Who wants to download these files will do it anyway and there will be no more complains! Transcoding to higher bitrate is making a fool ova person. The person believes in good quality and has a... yeah, what he/she has? Something more-less in the size, nothing more (or even worse) in the sound.

    My piece ov advice: Just be fair. Of course someone couldn't know, that the file is a transcode (by copying and pasting links to DL section). Instead of doing this - check it once, then upload by yourself and tag it properly, give credits! Problem is solved!

    What about forum for transcodes: it's definitely bad idea. It will be empty! Noone will use it! If so, what for this kind of forum/subforum? A topic with kind of "Help, is that a transode or not?" wouldn't be enough?

  9. Hej wam wszystkim!

    Każdy kraj ma swój malutki temat, dlaczego więc nie założyć malutkiej, forumowej Polonii? Polacy, łączmy się, poznawajmy, dyskutujmy ze sobą na przeróżne tematy związane z Japonią i nie tylko, a także pokażmy, że my też uczestniczymy zarówno w fandomie V-Kei, jak i w życiu naszej forumowej społeczności!

    Do dzieła zatem! Zachęcam bardzo serdecznie do udzielania się!

  10. Nix fort seit sehr langer Zeit? Mein Gott, muss nachgeholt werden! xD

    Kyotarou, ich hab'nen Freund, der sehr verrückt über schweizerdeutsch ist. Er interessiert sich daran und hatte großer Spaß beim Sprechen auf dem Unterricht. Uns're Lehrerin konnte ihm kaum verstehen. Klingt einfach toll, vielleicht soll ich auch statt hochdeutsch ein bisschen Dialekt aus Österreich oder Schweiz kennen lernen.

    Vielleicht sollen wir auch ein bisschen Thema ändern. Wir gehen um die Sprache herum und so... Vielleicht etwas was mal ganz anderes. Welche Hobbys haben Sie? ^^

  11. To be honest, the last Versailles album is not exactly that, what I was expecting from them. I'll write only a general opinion - many of the songs there included were quiet bland and shouldn't have been chosen to the farewell! Starting with "Prelude" - what for? Re-recording of an intro by adding echos? Making it incompatible with the second song? Is it really difficult for such a good composer to make a new short intro? A joke or what? Then the songs I kind of really dislike - Rose (all the time i'm asking the same question: Haven't I heard it somewhere?), Illusion (what the heck? Definitely not their style, it doesn't suit the album. I appreciate that the song is for fans but apart from this... neee, bland, melancholic. Nothing for me), Holy Grail -Amoroso- (The second faith & decision, but a long shorter and much impoverished) and Sympathia (any differences? What for to do re-record of the song, that was quiet ok?). Ayakashi and Rhapsody of the darkness is what I kind of like. Ayakashi because of it's orientality and Rhapsody, which reminds me of older Versailles' songs. Edge of the world I found weird, but refreshing. They weren't doing something like this one. Idk if it's quality problems or remastering, but sometimes it's hard to listen to it. Brave and Truth liked really much. Typical for the versailles. And almost for me masterpiece: Created beauty. It doesn't matter it has 10 minutes! It's brilliant. Listenable, nice music motives and lyrics. About this song i was worried the most, but fortunately for Hizaki it was good. So, when you want, you can compose something really good. See?

    I give the album about 6 of 10 points. They really could do better before hiatus. I know, label, timetables, concerts, but... Yeah. Hope they will return with new powers, new tunes, which will be equal good or even better than their last releases...

  12. I don't know, where to leave it, just in case you want. Especially for admins/mods.

    I don't know much, but I wanna help and do sth for MH, for the board, for you. Like this place very much. If I could do sth, even a small thing (idk, archive sth, search, tag, whatever what is not too much technical (i have no knowlegde in this)), I offer my help. It's not a suggestion, just information, in case you want. I just leave this information to tell, that I'm ready to help make this place better.

    Best wishes! If it's wrong thread, move it please ;)

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