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Posts posted by Rosà

  1. debitto, it's always better. But imvho sometimes is better not to tell anyone, as long as you're sure, that's your real friend and you can easly trust this person. I've done so. I've told about this thing to 3 people (none of them belongs to my family), cos it's my personal business! If I make sure they accept me, I can tell it. My family is conservative and maybe that's why, dunno. To cut a long story short. Sometimes is better to behave like there is nothing to say in this subject instead of feeling lonely all the time ;)

  2. Defined myself als "mentally BI, but now women-oriented". Women are really attractive to me, since I've girlfriend I have no need to look on other guys, even if they're really attractive. But I wouldn't have a problems to have a relationship with a man, to hold his hand in public other to kiss :)

  3. When I could say sth:


    1st idea: kind of nonsense for me. While making a connection between post number and activity on the forum and downloading files - there's also danger of spamming. While new users wanted download sth, will spam to reach a golden number to downloading files. That equals more work for the staff. Really worth of it?


    2nd idea: forcing to "thank"? It's the matter of culture. It's always nice for uploader to recieve the thank from the leecher. The forum ist not to educate ppl, how to behave. This is the role of parents. The era's changing, this nice canon disappear, but there's nothing to do with it. IMO.


    3rd idea: crediting also doesn't solve the problem. It gives only information, from who appears rip. There's many sites, that give links without credits and copy it into many sites. Huntig them for it... nonsense. Noone from MH would say: yes, I've copied, it's my fault, punish me.


    4th idea: against freedom somehow. The only solution in this case is again the culture. We are asking the uploader if we can pass it further. She/he gives us permission or not. But in this way staff has more job by monitoring, if this kind of question was sent, etc. But it solves problem only in MH. What with "outdoor guests"?


    Or just leave it, as it is ;)

  4. To be honest got mixed feelings after listening this single. TABOO reminds me a little of Schwarz Stein, but also of american disco club music. The whole song really well built, Kaya' s vocals fit here. For me it's a little bit too long. 6 minutes of repetitive beats. Generally speaking it's nice, but the chorus dissapoints a little. I mean higher voice at the end. For me it's 4.5/5


    Infection in comparison to the previos song is much, much better. It's an interesting mixture. Mysterious beginning, and then hard electronics. What a shame, Hora didn't compose this song. It's his style. Also kept in Schwarz Stein style in the best form. Maybe in a few moments wrong built melodics, but it was a big suprise. Main theme is for me a masterpiece. 5/5


    As a conclusion: The best Kaya single in years 2012 and 2013. Keep going this way!

  5. That's for me much better than Jupiter. My impression is that Jupiter is a poorer version of Versailles. Kamijo's sone something, what is really in my taste (so i can suppose after backgrounds). and to my heart ^^ So waiting for 08.28.13 ^^

  6. So, that's me again. Sorry for 2nd post, but it wouldn't be noticed, Zess... I have an official info from Hizaki's blog, where he wrote about Jubilee (credits to my friend, who translated from Japanese):

    "Sizeable proportion of bass lines were recorded by You, but some of them were in "demo" version, so we set them into the album after some mastering and I recorded the missed bass lines. So it's the album done by five of us".

    I think it won't be doubts about jubilee now ^^

  7. If I understand correctly, this Treasure Box from D it's this "the best of" collection, rite? Idk, some songs from the first CD i see for the first time, maybe I have forgotten to hear some of their discography, but still. It's really much for this selection. But in my opinion 9800 yen it's much too much. If it was cheaper, I'd propably order, but in this case...

    And one new song ^^ Guessing all of the songs, which they made were included on singles and mini ^^ But at least something new. Hope they did well ^^

  8. Sorry for the OT of covers, but, Zess, I got answer about Jubilee from ST:

    "As far as I remember album was almost completed - it was announced to be released in September, so the work on the album must have been almost completed. Hizaki was playing one or two songs... It was also lack of vocals, as far as I remember to God Palace and Serenade. And only vocals in Serenade, because Hizaki was writing after Jasmine's death, how he was impressed, when he heard instrumentals of this song. It's hard for me to give any source, because it was some time ago, but it's sure, that most of the bass bits on Jubilee plays Jasmine"

    EDIT: If everything will be good, I will have an interview with those pieces ov information in couple of days. will write it too, asaI got^^

  9. But sent a question to official Street Team in my country, maybe they know more. asa I got answer, I'll write

    but to the covers. The most important is that Teru was trying to do his best, because all the covers are drawings. I'm admiring his talent, btw. It must be hard to draw people or plants with so many details ^^

  10. Yup, that's right. Covers from regular edition is boring. I know, symbolic and the stuff. But here for me it's too simple. Just roses... Wouldn't be bad if Teru had designed some background. Idk, rainbow, landscapes, whatever.

    About playing bass by Hizaki I have another version from my friends, but not sure, if it's true. Jubilee was almost completed with Jasmine. Hizaki was playing bass for serenade and one or two songs more

  11. Wow, jetzt sehe ich, wie viel ich diesen deutschen Faden vernachlässigt habe... Ich muss jetzt alles schnell nachholen!

    Ich finde dieses Lied nicht nur toll sondern auch ein bisschen komisch. Dieser Klang, die Mischung von deutschen und englischen Elementen stört mich. Wenn es um Inhalt geht - ganz wunderbar, meiner Meinung nach :) So eine weihnlachtliche Atmosphäre ^^

    Ikna, so teilweise denke ich auch. Einerseits ist es eine frohe Zeit, wann man die ganze Familie, die seit Monaten nicht gesehen wurde, trifft, unterhält sich mit ihnen... Man kann einfach ein bisschen Zeit zusammenverbringen. Das finde ich wirklich toll - nicht die Geschenke, die auch übrigens nett sind, sondern die Zeit mit den anderen - darum geht in Wiehnachtszeit. Andererseit sind die Massen von Menschen, die aus irgendwo nach irgendwohin drängen, wirklich schrecklich. Fruher gibt's doch Zeit für solche Aktivitäten wie Geschenkkaufen! Es macht aber keinen Sinn, Monate früher das zu machen, es sei denn, du schon irgendwelche Ideen hast. Oder ist es eine besondere Sonderangebot - das ist verständlich und klar :)

    Schade, dass Weihnachten so kurz dauern. Aber... wie viel kann man in sich Essen packen? xD Zu mir kommt immer meine Oma, die ständig meckert. Es ist unangenehm, dieselbe Texte seit Jahren zu horen, aber ich kann nichts dagegen tun. Mutti sagt "Das ist doch meine Mutter" und das Gespräch ist zum Ende. Na jaaa... wenn es aber um die Geschenke geht, ich kaufe allem 1 Geschenk. Es reicht ^^

    Wie ist es auch bei Ihnen? Irgendwelche Pläne für Silvesterparty? Oder Vorsätze für 2013?

  12. Idk why i didn't do my review about this mini yet...

    Hikari no niwa - really nice intro, soft, gives a really good mood to listening to the other songs. Unfortunately so short. It could have 30 seconds more :)9/10

    Namonaki mori no yumegatari - D tends to do great title songs (it was by Dying Message, Danzai No Gunner, now this one) and it isn't exception of them. Nice main motive, I felt like I was somewhere in Wonderland. What i find also great are riffs. It makes song more climatic. I could even agree with sai that it's like 7th Rose 2.0. 10/10

    Canis lupus - not too much to say about it. I think it's quiet boring. Especially chorus. It doesn't fit to the rest. Have to admit it's solid, but it's also nothing what I'll remember for long time. But, the pianos here are great :)5/10

    Shirarezaru kodomotachi - nice ballad with soft guitars, maybe pianos (i'm not sure here). Deep voice of Asagi ist growing on me, when i listen this song more and more. Well constructed, I like idea of the song. Nothing to say that it's bad. 10/10

    Sankaku oyane to aware na koguma - propably the best single from the album. Folky intro which i really enjoy. Untypical for them, but suits idea of the album (Forest, Woods...). It reminds me folky inspirations of korpiklaani. Growling also great. Not chaotic, powerful, but really soft at the same time. No disharmonies :) Great ^^ 10/10

    Like a Black Cat ~mujitsu no tsumi~ - don't know what to think. It's obviosly solid. But nothing so memorable. Kind of Versailles catchy style. Maybe i should go into this song more. But right now... kind of 7/10

    Haru no utage - sad and depressing. Beautiful, but too sad to listen to it more than once or twice. Anyway, I see no disadvantages of the song so 10/10

    Zou to hito to ari to... - agree. Too short, great to close. Intensive, nice idea. Hope they'll do something like this on next albums/singles! 10/10

    Summary: For me masterpiece. Dying massege was bland, danzai no gunner too, now we have nice suprise! Kind of annoying that there's many releases only for japan... Great job, guys! Make your music more international!

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