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Everything posted by Manic

  1. Manic

    Want to see!! Really good news! But this is 100% true? Do they really come in Europe? o.O Bacstage Halle's does not write yet that day the event
  2. Sounds like Juliette - not as good as Ukiru's voice, but it sounds much better than Ryuto's previous songs...
  3. Manic

    And these songs are remastered at least? Never mind, i look forward to!
  4. Manic

    SEX -Virgin Killer- drummers has interesting names too ^^ - Die-Decontrol Dai-chan - Dead Mad Mammy Ken-chan and their blog: http://yaplog.jp/vaginafucker/ xD
  5. Manic

    Then i failed xD But the top left guy totally looks like Keke Haruuuu, why ?
  6. Manic

    Who are these guys, Aesma? Top left is Keke from Medi@lize, i know The guy with the hat reminds me of ギルド’s (GUILD) guitarist o_o
  7. Manic

    CRAZY DANGER NANCY KENchan - Vocal Sceana - Vocal Kera -Vocal Marry - Bass Hyoga - Bass Kira - Bass Kazzy - Guitar Andy - Guitar Leda - Drums
  8. Manic

    Thanks ^^ I thought Necrae is the mod.
  9. 8 cm single w/ 6 tracks? o_O Hmm, should i buy this ?
  10. Manic

    My fave: LbFjZtcCOR0 Farting? Be my guest. xDD
  11. Manic

    LÄ-PPISCH - リックサック papapa~♪ 5aAGLEIGOWA
  12. I was an user on "old" TW forum, but I didn't write so much there (i opened just a few topic i think) I 'm 20 years old, from Budapest (Hungary) My personal favorites bands are: COLOR (the oldschool jrock/vk band), Megaromania / Metis Gretel, Kiryu / Vallquar, Fiore / Nomura / Metry, Codomo-A (+ Eiji and Haru's stuffs) etc I don't like mainstream music, preferably the indie-scene. BTW i luv english music too, like Neils Children, The Horrors, Klaxons, Madness etc ^^ My english is not so good (rather shit), so forgive me d:
  13. Yeah, Misaruka's are back, that's really good news! Can't wait their new stuffs ^^
  14. Manic

    Yeah, he's the same person that my friend looking! Thank you so much for your help, i really appreciate it!
  15. Manic

    ^Oh, sorry! I mean the guy in the picture ^^ That's a good idea, thanks
  16. Manic

    My friend want to know who are these guys: http://visualdecadence.tumblr.com/post/2768942497 http://visualdecadence.tumblr.com/post/2768786045 (warning, turn it down your speakers, or it would be loud ^^") and http://jrockersblogpics.tumblr.com/tagged/celesteal Her name is Aima, and she playes in a band called Celesteal Thanks in advance
  17. Manic

    Fura Neve It means in Hungarian: "her/his name is weird"
  18. Manic

    DI3SIRAE, maybe ^^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-brhjZX73E http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPZy5pcnrfY
  19. Manic

    Huh? o_O I'm not trolling xd And love Mashiro too d:
  20. Manic

    I love Xmas and Christmas songs! ^o^ My Absolutely fave is Funwary Xmas by Paradeis aGXEn9cjyP0
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