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Posts posted by iSin-Sama

  1. If this question pertains to visual kei only, then my answer is "no".

    The reasons for this are simple: I'm not that much into the scene anymore and there aren't many bands that I follow closely. I've gotten over the "sound" associated with visual kei and every other band that pops up these days sound interchangeable with the next one to me, so unless a band does something to stand out immediately within the first 10 seconds of a sample they have I just move on past them. I also can't rely on general consensus to weed out things I would like from things I wouldn't, because I find that there are just way too many people that say everything is "epic" and "good". When it comes to up and coming new visual bands, there are a few people here who know my tastes better than I know them and have musical tastes that I respect a lot and when they recommend me bands to listen to (infrequently, but it happens), it's usually something that I would enjoy. That's mainly the only way I find new visual bands.

    Bands outside the visual kei scene I am a little more receptive to, and I probably can say I do try out all the new releases I hear of. I can only do that because my pool of artists outside the scene are very small and I do not know of places like Monochrome Heaven for those scenes, so I'm not exposed to a torrent of new material like our download section. If I were, I'd probably be in the same boat as a lot of the people here as I too don't have all the time in the world to listen to new music like I used to.

    Im the same way.

  2. ex-NEXX members session "Orange Tandoori Chicken" will perform at Ikebukuro RUIDO K3 at 2012/05/07

    "Orange Tandoori Chicken" members:

    Vo.けけ(ヶ´∀`)(keke) (ex-Medi@lize)

    Gt.ヒデ(hide) (ex-NEXX)


    Ba.GTR (ex-DragonWAPPPPPPER, now in 4tune_UNIT)

    Dr.シキト(shikito) (ex-NEXX)

    Lols @ the name : P Im eating some right now! xD

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