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Posts posted by iSin-Sama

  1. I dunno what to say...the whole pv preview looks like an entire different band,and that's awesome.Also different from the last singles,this one sounds more "polished"...if that's the right word.I like it,even if it's not original,it's better then Pledge,Red and Shiver.

    maybe this is their DIFFERENT SENSE


    Just fell on my ass laughing.

  2. Alright seriously by the time they put out an album it will literally be ALL singles. What is this, the sixth single since DIM? That's just a bit over the edge of "ridiculous". Money vampires =__=

    I agree, I'd prefer an album then this single. I did enjoy VORTEX, and still am, Since its one of there better releases. But they really need to release an Album or Mini-album with new songs.

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