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Posts posted by iSin-Sama

  1. I still own the original Wii, But i'm not too sure on this one yet, I will probably wait a few months after release to buy it, and see what games are released with it at launch.

  2. yep, if you got gmail especially, it's already one package with G+

    One only have to activate the account for it.

    Also if you own an android phone, you can just download it for free and connect it with your account.

  3. I don't even own an XBOX (yet).

    And yeah my hiatus was supposed to be "short" but then I got stuck in a building with dumbasses that make me want to tear my hair out. I'm ridiculously stressed out by their shenanigans and just yesterday I had five very intoxicated, angry basketball players try to body me into a corner because I busted their little party and scared their little girlfraans away. I'm going to step back into the shoutbox when college students start drinking less stupidly around here (although that's akin to watching hell freeze over).

    Buy a Ps3 instead xD

  4. So apparently All my scrobbles and library are not there. I just checked this morning, And haven't done anything to do this, Anyone have this problem? I'm not sure if this is the right section to post this, But i know many people in this forum who use Last.fm

  5. It's actually still the 4th so you still have a day left ;)

    The Pv was okay, I think pretty standard gazette. The initial pleasant surprise with the song has worn off though but it's still okay enough that I'll at least check out the rest of the album.

    Damn it, you're right. Still got 12 hours left :P

    The longest 12 hours of my life.

  6. ^Or it could be about all the wasted sperm :-P.

    By the way, about [MY DEVIL ON THE BED], the subject of the lyrics is altogether filled up to the limit by erotic expression, I’ve been thinking about that point, too.

    RUKI: Aa, because this is purely a sex song (laughs).

    I guess you were kind of right haha

    Maybe Ruki needs to get a lil some some? xD

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