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Everything posted by mopkins

  1. mopkins

    I don't think shitataru mourou is the weakest track, but it's definitely near the bottom of the list for me I do love the part at 1:30 where Kyo starts communicating with dolphins
  2. mopkins

    I love the album, but half of it being previously released tracks definitely kills a lot of the impact :k it's also lacking in blues, but that's okay! they don't have to blues all the time.
  3. mopkins

    the more I listen to this, the more it almost feels like MACABRE PART II I... think I'm in love
  4. mopkins

    I kind of feel like AMON is a lot of cool stuff that doesn't really go anywhere, but the stuff is cool enough that I can forgive it. good song!
  5. mopkins

    hoping for good things! could never really get into the studs and highfashionparalyze is a little out there for me, but I'm still an aie fan :k
  6. mopkins

    the hentai clips definitely fit better within the context of the full video than they seemed to in the preview B'] I liked it!
  7. mopkins

    I'm not really that crazy about growling, so I'm glad Different Sense is heavier on the weird screams and squeals side of things B') I'm not sure where I'd rank Kyo as a singer, but he sure makes weird noises better than just about anyone.
  8. mopkins

    title track is just swell, B-side is ????? I don't dislike tsumi to kisei, but I'm having trouble feeling much of anything about it :'1
  9. mopkins

    whoa, IDENTITY and SKULL are gonna be on the album?? SHOCK
  10. mopkins

    I think I like it a whole lot! I definitely like it a whole lot more than I liked LOTUS.
  11. mopkins

    Tsumi to Kisei seems cool, but I really like how every sample of Different Sense so far sounds like it's from a different song.
  12. mopkins

  13. mopkins

    calling it: THE BLOSSOMING BEELZEBUB is going to be the best song with the worst title
  14. mopkins

    hopefully this puts any lingering fears of them abandoning their old sound to rest B')
  15. mopkins

    I'd drive as far as I had to to see Merry if they ever got around to doing a real US tour one of the best live bands in the world, NO JOKE
  16. mopkins

    wish there was more of shinjuku nana in that video :'[
  17. mopkins

    THAT is an interesting/bizarre lineup. I was confused too, but according to the link it's a post-rock band, so makes perfect sense!
  18. mopkins

    I saw them play Pink Killer in Los Angeles back in 2007 and I darn near peed myself
  19. mopkins

    yyyyeaahhhhh I didn't hate karma, but I hope this new single is nothing like it B')
  20. mopkins

    Hydra -666- doesn't count?
  21. mopkins

    a Latin title? how visual kei...... SUPER pumped, Lotus was kinda iffy but I still can't get enough of Hageshisa to
  22. mopkins

    seeing people say NICE THINGS about MoaB is kind of disorienting! (I LIKE IT TOO)
  23. mopkins

    what the HELL, 2011
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