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Posts posted by jun

  1. mana with kids is so cuute.

    kenzi <3

    (i read somewhere i think his myspace but i don't remember he said people actually thought he was hizaki in the pic where he is dressed like him.and he was wtf xD)


    i creep ameba too, i want to share too. =)

    here some pics that i find funny or wtf?

    golden bomber

    1. the guy that jun hugs is yuuki from 人格ラヂオ (Jinkaku Radio)

    2. the guys that hug jun are presenters of a show. there is an interview in youtube with them and golden bomber

    3.kenzi xDD ( the guy in the toilet is kenzi)





    maki's look is funny


    M has a lot of funny posing pics <3






  2. b o r i n g ! RES was much better - so the reason y they split up was coz he didn't like the way the band turned out (which was heavy) whut a pussy :D

    Fucking lol'd. RES was never heavy at all. Hard rock at most.

    (wtf is wrong with you people and drama here xD)

    i thought everyone understands what he wants to say

    can't you see the difference between aqua and AMONGST FOOLISH ENEMIES etc for example.

    now satsuki does songs only like "aqua"

    no one said they are heavy metal or something wtf

  3. i disagree i love heavy rentrer

    and i love that res was heavy and soft. how it has 2 sides

    although i like some of satsuki work but not this single

    and i'm tired of comparing him with res but it's unavoidable

    it's a price he pays and a gain

    now satsuki wants to be an angel only

    and i'm happy he does what he wants it's kind of interesting although i miss res

    i don't want a band if the musicians themselves don't like it anymore. that's sad

  4. b o r i n g ! RES was much better - so the reason y they split up was coz he didn't like the way the band turned out (which was heavy) whut a pussy

    i think this too! totally.

    but if he hated res i wouldn't want him to continue no mater how great they were. he would be fake

    @Mono2: compared to satsuki solo they were heavier.

    he seems like he wants to turn back in the style when res started

  5. i probably shouldn't continue this but i want to respond sorryyy

    i don't see what is wrong with my reasoning since it's an opinion. and i still don't find my logic strange at all but yes probably lacking of eloquence + i know my english is bad)

    first i just wanted to make fun of psc clothes i wasn't too serious but people have to take it too seriously and it turned into a drama :/ :?

    ok just

    fuck gazette without reasoning. xD

  6. >.< yes you are the only one.

    (actually i think gazette is the only jrock band i hate.)

    No, she's not. I do.

    And the GazettE being the only j-rock band you hate implies you do listen to bands that sound similar to them, since most of VK is either Dir en grey rehash, nu-metal rehash (+the GazettE rehash) and X JAPAN fanboys.

    when i said it's the only jrock band i hate, you know it doesn't mean that

    i listen to every jrock band dah

    it means i just don't hate them even if i don't listen to them

    No. I see it too. Of course though, they're so much better because their underground live-limited single demo tape and their crap recording quality and 17 member departures makes up for the shit vocalist, bad melodies and fuzzy bass.

    And SUBLIMINAL, you must have my babies. I simply demand it.

    of course you see it too because subliminal said it

    and lol how people can except that someone hates gazette and want so much to defend them

  7. >.< yes you are the only one.

    i have born so NO. not similar at all.

    "like is the cool think to do"

    shut up . i really hate them. i hate his voice is one of the worst voices

    and i can't stand their music any more. i;m so bored. i haven't listen to a single song from them since 2 years ago.

    you don't know how it's like to hate and can't stand a band and just because it's so famous people here(where i live) are talking only about them all the time. I don't care about them. it really annoys me.

    (because i want to talk about other bands)

    (actually i think gazette is the only jrock band i hate.)

  8. ok i agree!! completely =)

    i guess i'm just pissed in the idea that psc and other companies control somehow the sound. but if you make good music i guess you can make it even if you have someone controlling you.

    actually i'm trying to say gazette have a safe sound. boring .

    i think they control the sound to be more like the top 50 charts songs in japan or what they think majority wants

    so that they can be popular. mainly in gazette because they are their top band. proof that older songs where better i think.

    if that is not true and without psc still make the same music then i just don't like their sound.

    btw i just blamed psc about the looks more than the sound xD just for fun. not that it matters so much.

    because other companies haven't this problem with the looks. it's amusing

  9. i said i hate their music is boring!!!that's my problem about gaze.

    and i don't care about looks as long as i like the music.


    and btw since it's the hate thread i can say whatever i want and i can say about looks too!

    right japan is a huge country and i have seen enough visual artists are in the mainstream top 10 charts. so yeah they know visual kei.

    and you are just pissed because i don't like your fav band or something. i hate it i hate i think they are SHIT.that's my opinion except it.

    also i think psc company cares more about popularity and sales than creation but of course it's a company..

    i just like bands more that do things their way.

    and i'm saying all this with psc having some of my favorite bands - like screw and now born..

    but just because i love screw doesn't mean i can't see what is wrong.

  10. yeah but the others are not this famous that's why they are not worth mentioned.

    and seriously who dress worse? maybe it's personal taste but for me gazette visual style are one of the worst. seriously.

    i like random crappy indie bands better in looks

    (edit:they don't dress like shit. i like visual looks)(but many have awful music.personally i don't listen to a band only because of how they look.)

  11. i hate gazette too. lately they are so boring* sound and look.

    they look more pop too me than rock and mainstream because

    seems like their goal is often more to appeal to the audience than to be creative.

    and i hate them because people who don't know anything about jrock , only know gazette and speak about.Shut up! they are other bands too , you are so boring .

    *i blame psc for stupid looks. they make all the bands look the same and most of them boring

    you can actually tell if a band is in psc by their looks. except sug

    (and i don't want to hear again from fans:nooo.YES THEY DO! are you blind?)

    look now what they did to born. i 'm happy their music is still cool.

    for example look ryouga here is sooo psc look - they fucked him up. (well i hope he liked it xD)


  12. omg whaaaat my first reaction was :shock::?::shock::oro::shock::devilwha::devilwha:

    i don't know if this is true but why not. probably most of jrockers are married or with girlfriends and don't say it.it's normal.

    but omg O____O kamijo.

    if i had a grandfather like him...

    (btw i like that jrockers are acting all secretly about their lives. i feel happy if i found out something like this or interested

    but i also like that i'm not sure about it) (i think you don't have to say everything about your personal life in puplic, i like more when fans are not sure)

  13. xDD

    lol the best

    but i want their new album !!! <3

    Wait! We're in 2010 and people still care about best of's? I mean, c'mon! A regular best of is nothing more than old songs. I can't think of one single best of that doesn't suck cock. Why? Because I have always heard all the songs before and there's always several songs I'd change out for what I consider better ones.

    Compilation albums on the other hand, that can be extremely interesting with demo recording, unreleased songs and so on. But regular best of's is as uninteresting as releases can get.

    i thought the best is for people who don't know the band, first time to see if they want to listen more.

    (or if you lost the cds (omg :urg::oshi::arg: ) in despair to listen to anything since you don't know what to choose to download first if they have 13294735 singles)

    this best is fail for me

    these are not their best songs no way

  14. i read that there are rumors that Mio and Eve and left the band because they others want to change their sound to softer.

    noooo :(

    i don't like eros at all. but ok eros it's just a song

    i don't care about the looks - they are so funny that actually they are amusing( Rito wears string above his pants )

    but i am afraid for the sound that will be awful

    i guess i have to wait and see

    who wrote the songs? the guys that left?

    have you ever read translation of the lyrics btw? it's lmao

    really soo whatever lyrics

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