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Everything posted by jun

  1. jun

    wow thank you! i was searching for some of their lyrics and couldn't find them nowhere . (btw. you are a good advertisement. it think i started listen to D'ERLANGER because of your advertisement here xP <3)
  2. jun

    xDD seriously love ko-ki's expression in this pic xDD
  3. jun

    and buck tick + 黒夢 :D i think i ??gree ??b??ut ??elty l??ve
  4. jun

    eeeek 4ge indeed what make up can do. but zill was really cute without make up in some pics i have seen him and hitomi is. and to post something to not only comment loki from sugar
  5. jun

    (sorry if there are any mistakes it was difficult to find iya in kanji. i found separate parts of the lyrics randomly in the internet and put them together. i was curious to find these lyrics - i know it's just lyrics but do you think maybe sometimes you can see if someone is in pain from his lyrics??-) 嫌 ????僕を嫌????る??????僕を嫌????る??????ら仲良???れ?????。????ら仲良???れ?????。 僕も僕??大??嫌??????僕も僕??大??嫌??????????ら仲良???れ?????。????ら仲良???れ?????。 Dislike me 顔も体も心????も??気????る????壊?????? ????日見??空??下??????手を繋????歩????ら も??少??自分??????「愛????????も??れ????。?? ??願??????ら近?????????? 傷????????????????ん?? ????日見??空??下??????手を繋????歩????ら も??少??自分??????「愛????????も??れ????。?? 真冬??夜閉??????心??扉?? ??り??????????????誰??も気????れ???? ????日見??空??下??????手を繋????歩????ら も??少??自分??????「愛????????も??れ????。?? 早?俺を消?????れ早?俺を消?????れ ????俺を消?????れ????俺を消?????れ
  6. jun

    ザッヘル 触れ????指先 性器??様?? 瞬間????感 ?惚覚???? 剥?出??????れ?? 僕??身体?? 堤防決壊 発情期??サル ????る唇 スウィーツ??様?? 甘?????甘??????????????????? 骨抜?????れ?? 僕??心?? 絶対??従 紀元????奴隷 僕??全?? ????????る 縛り????????????? 縛り????????????? アザ????る?ら???? 爪を立??????????? 爪を立??????????? 血??出る?ら???? 僕??全?? ????????る 縛り????????????? 縛り????????????? アザ????る?ら???? 爪を立??????????? 爪を立??????????? 血??出る?ら???? 歯形残??????????? 歯形残??????????? 消???????ら???? 首を絞??????????? 首を絞??????????? 死??????程度??
  7. jun

    翻弄 終??り???夜??中?? 終??り???夢を見??る 僕??今も??????を探?????? ????日見?????? 二人??楽園 ????????固?扉を閉?????? 廃墟???????? 僕??心?? ??????る景色??????????????る 殻??中??閉??込??られ????る ????笑顔??り戻????ら 終??り???夜??中?? 終??り???夢を見??る 僕??今も??????を探??????ん?? 変??りゆ?季節??中 変??りゆ?????気???? 責??る????も出??????見?????? カーテン??ら??風????る????? ??ん??窓??光??溢れ?? 僕??慌????両目を塞???? 真実????見???も??????ら 殻??中??閉??込??られ????る 僕??笑顔??り戻????ら 終??り???夜??中?? 終??り???夢を見??る 僕??今も??????を探??????ん?? 変??りゆ?季節??中 変??りゆ?????気???? 責??る????も出??????見?????? 殻??中??閉??込??られ????る 二人??笑顔??り戻????ら 終??り???夜??中?? 終??り???夢を見??る 僕??今も??????を探??????ん?? 変??りゆ?季節??中 変??りゆ?????気???? 責??る????も出??????見?????? 耳??残る????声 瞼残る????顔 心??ら??????????愛??????ら 今??言??る???????? 今??言??る??り?????? 僕??????笑顔??手を振????
  8. jun

    credit:http://ameblo.jp/hizakihime/entry-10684074856.html DISTINY -The Lovers- 響?足音??離れ??ゆ? 雨??心????濡ら???? 抱???れ????孤独??薔薇を 飾る????街??片隅?? ????????中??覚???? ?????????細工??メロディー 触れ????ら崩れ????????????????二度??戻れ???? 愛??る人 も??も????????出会??事??????れ?? ????痛??????も知ら?? ??????を????手??傷?????????? ??れ始????時間??涙??????細工??メロディー ????割れ??????中????も??????姿????も映ら???? 傷??ら????心を隠????味???????? 見??????愛??抱???????壊れ始????心を変????ゆ????? 独り???????????れ応????笑?????れ 夜??明??る???? ????去????日々を見?????? ???傷??誓????別れを 共??歩????ゆ???? ??ん??苦????も抱??????? 愛??る人 も??も????????出会??事??????れ?? ????温もり???? 知ら????????????手??掴?????? 強?????? ?れ????去???????未??????る???? ????らoh my DISTINY愛??る人よ ?????????枯れ??ゆ?????
  9. jun

    negative was in v rock festival and the singer was joking saying that he thought jrockers were hot girls. usually i'm disgusted by westerns that try to look visual.except 1 or 2 like deathstars style HAB79iEw5SI
  10. jun

    [b.D.M] 俺??望ん????Bl??st be??ts juice ??字??????B??d c??nfusi??n M??sturb??ti??n ????rty???  N????N???? It ??ixes with y??u?? ??狂乱??My stick  痺れを切ら????Audience 奥????注入Bl??ck s??ng 気??????や??????Rendezv??us 破滅??美学??Ecst??sy 完全犯罪On the live 1 STEP THE MUSIC  2 STEP THE MUSIC  抜??出??????  ??ん????も激???愛??????る??ら W??ke u?? sh??ut??W??ke u?? sh??ut??W??ke u?? sh??ut?? ????続?????? W??ke u?? sh??ut??W??ke u?? sh??ut??W??ke u?? sh??ut?? ????ら??共?? W??ke u?? sh??ut??W??ke u?? sh??ut??W??ke u?? sh??ut?? 喉????ギレ??も W??ke u?? sh??ut??W??ke u?? sh??ut??W??ke u?? sh??ut?? ????続??る?? FRICTION PARTY,ALL MY LOVE THE MISSION WHICH FINDS A CLIMAX FRICTION PARTY,ALL MY LOVE THE MISSION WHICH FINDS A CLIMAX 1 STEP THE MUSIC  2 STEP THE MUSIC  抜??出??????  ??ん????も激???愛??????る??ら 3 STEP THE MUSIC  4 STEP THE MUSIC  止??られ???? 井??中??ゃ狭????世界を巻?込?? W??ke u?? sh??ut??W??ke u?? sh??ut??W??ke u?? sh??ut?? ????続?????? W??ke u?? sh??ut??W??ke u?? sh??ut??W??ke u?? sh??ut?? ????ら??共?? W??ke u?? sh??ut??W??ke u?? sh??ut??W??ke u?? sh??ut?? 喉????ギレ??も W??ke u?? sh??ut??W??ke u?? sh??ut??W??ke u?? sh??ut?? ????続?????? 足掻?続??????   我??身枯れる????
  11. jun

    鴉 ??り立??黒?本能 快楽??Butterfly 部屋??隅?????????る少年  希望よりも絶望??手招????る 「幸????????幸????煩??????よ    目????????る暗闇?れ????実????**( he sings REAL not ??実) Black music is offered to you.Please don't be perplexed. An intense party changes the world. Please don't be afraid. Trick music is offered to you. Please don't be perplexed. Don't become timid.You're welcomed. Wake up will.... JUSTLY,TO THE BUTTERFLY. ??り立??快楽??神よ JUSTLY,TO THE BUTTERFLY. 絶望??先?? ?????れ?????????????  ??????????手を???????れ 鎖??繋??れ??よ????体  ?ん??も??今???断??切?????? 脆弱??日々??絶??を放??よ Black music is offered to you.Please don't be perplexed. An intense party changes the world. Please don't be afraid. Trick music is offered to you. Please don't be perplexed. Don't become timid.You're welcomed. Wake up will.... JUSTLY,TO THE BUTTERFLY. ??り立??快楽??神よ JUSTLY,TO THE BUTTERFLY. 刻??生?様を Cry for the moon...You are bless...julia 鮮や????掴???????? Cry for the moon...You are bless...julia ??笑??奪???????? JUSTLY,TO THE BUTTERFLY...
  12. jun

    accidentally i found born's old blog. o_O which i think is way cooler and more fun than the one they have now. (why did they stop having funny pics and got serious xD) awesome ryoga without make up
  13. jun

    XD you've made my night
  14. jun

    why hiatus, rouis and hasune have marriage problems and want divorce or something lol joking.
  15. jun

    hey if he likes slash i like him more now. somehow his looks make sense now xDDDD (i don't like eros though the song at all. and the single was my least favorite of their releases. but yeah overreacted reviews.it wasn't so bad as you describe. i have heard many worst in visual kei. although you seriously can't show eros video to someone outside vk and say to take them seriously nomatter how good their music was -.-) (but i don't give a shit what others think outside vk anymore so yeah don't care) maybe that's why the 2 members left they didn't want to do this (and to clear something i love when bands want to shock mainsteam people but that's just lol funny not schocking )
  16. jun

    omg i never thought of it before (because of the height/size difference etc lol) but i think he totally does!! yay if he likes guns n roses that's why this stupid look now i get it he looks so ridiculous and i don't know why i find him so adorable (wtf does yuuki try to look like with this hat and jacket)
  17. jun

    edit . <3
  18. jun

    this happens to me too because i repeat the songs i like and don't listen to the whole discography until after. with fav bands a lot of times i have discovered songs. most weird discovery: i used to listen dir en grey all the time and i didn't discover merciless cult after a long time wtf?!!! one of best songs ever i just discovered aint afraid to die ~ i didn't wanted to listen to this song ~ i didn't get why everyone was liking it~ i refused to listen to it. i was listening only the beginning and then said boring ballad and now i fell in love with it and i love the lyrics omg *_* <3 always others say omg seriously i fell in love with deg with these songs -- well i fell in love with deg with CLEVER SLEAZOID for real! xD although lately i don't like them so much..but still i remember my love when i listen to some of their songs
  19. jun

    There is nothing wrong with this At all. x2
  20. jun

    noooo have you notice him singing with a banana???? and others play with broomsticks at 3.10 somewhere xDDDD <3
  21. jun

    @ok i understand you hate visual pvs because they are stupid looking just seeing the band singing is sooo boring i agree.except that many jrock pvs are so weird i consider them like cult films. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cult_film they are so wtf or stupid but how can you say boring asagi dancing with spoons and ruiza hair lmao <3 for example. i don't think this bad (Akaki Hitsuji ni Yoru Bansankai Type A pv) or Aikaryu - kyuuketsu pv --classic ????????????????????も????(PV) this is awesome not bad xDD
  22. jun

    i hate these dolls are creepy i hate the merry above pv is my worst of them. omg i just remembered the pumpkin head's pvs are weird but i like them.although i hate clowns yeah i don't know i'm confused .seems the majority of indie visual kei pvs are weird - that's a reason why i like vk . xD rCQ3MoAuKMg
  23. jun

    -- omg i love Occult Proposal pv. i think is one of my fav of them xDDD it's priceless indeed. and ningyo and boku boku <333 but occult proposal is more epic -- about phantasmagoria riku as bride in eternal silence pv xDDD -- ahahaha the singer from Vivid - Cinderella pv -- (hey Illational cd is love ) but i agree about the √eight - Fake is awful. when i first saw it, i was wtf is that thing.fail -- azalea yes xD also from matina: Mist of Rouge -kouki from d=out there is <3 xDD 12012 also has : in favor of pv <3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmZMU2ctXCs ---- a lot of jrock pvs because of low Budget and funny visuals are bad or funny+weird. but soo amusing. i actually like them. especially love old pvs are priceless!! [ like old kyo look priceless or L'Arc~en~Ciel old(dune pv) or malice mizer pvs ,buck tick old /// but i don't think these count because they are weird just because they are old]( and like gackt vanilla isn't funny) i have examples of new : alsdead pv or heisei ishin /prism pv or clearveil. if someone doesn't know vk he'll think wtf. xD but i like them xDD but i didn't like vani:lla pvs. crap here one amusing AO3wneBtx4I
  24. jun

    protoplasm - rentrer en soi
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