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Posts posted by a GENTLE LIE

  1. Can someone mention a few really good Vidoll songs, especially those that are little heavy and instantly addicting?

    I am seriously failing to get into them. I am trying really hard. :(

    Good Vidoll songs.

    Dolls Bar V.I.D. [lovely vocals <3]

    ROID CHANGE [bonus track that i have if needed]

    Hotel Hickey







    That a good list. <3

    As for you Starla, did you get it yet, what did you think?

    I love it WAY more then Innocent Teens, but still don't like Cloud. >>

  2. I thought they disbanded and my friend killed me for saying so. She shoved Mirror in my face so I listened to it and LOVED it. Unfortunatly the album is all I have by them, but I love it sooo much.

    Currently Sixty8Nine is my favorite song, with HOLLOW close behind. <3

  3. Hiroto you goof. <3

    The whole site looks so awesome and inspirational now. <3 Tora and Saga look hot as ever. x3

    TSUBASA sounds like an AMAZINGLY AWESOME song. I so am pre-ordering the single. x3

  4. I love 12012 but they haven't really impressed me since Heart and Wana. Want.want.want was pretty good, but still not what I love of 12012. Maybe they are changing who knows.

    Oh I forgot about Cyclone [which I just got today] xDDDDD; I love this song to death it is so nice and so the reason I love 12012. <3

  5. Jake' date=' have you tried Fukai, from Kasumi's single?

    It's an [b']AWESOME song that not many people know.

    Ryojoku no Ame (single version) and 24th Cylinder drank on the veins of Kasumi and most people don't give them the credit they deserve.

    There's also their epic ballads, like Undecided, -mushi-, Embryo and Ain't Afraid to Die. More songs that people just pass by. :/

    And of course, the never-mentioned-still-the-best-vkei-song from them, 304 Hakushi no Sakura.

    24ko cylinders is lovely as well as embryo, mushi, and undecided and fukai..ryoujku no ame as well too =] so i second those immediately

    now ain't afraid to die though i don't think that's a song people pass by xD when i first got into them that song was another one, like cage, that everyone kept telling me was beyond amazing and what not ^^ i like it though (even though imo mushi crushes it completely and no one talks about mushi as much =/)

    and as for 304, goushitsu hakushi no sakura your right it's rarely mentioned ever >.< but to me it's an ok song i never really could get into it... if we're talking about just from gauze then their best vk era song that i think is totally Mask (also maybe mitsu to tsuba) ...but if we're talking everything from missa to macabre, nothing beats the sexiness of egnirys cimeredopyh =] it's damn cool but neither of those are kasumi like so yea 304 GHnS is more so so yea do that one :D

    I love all heartfelt 'ballad' songs by Dir en grey. Mushi, Zakuro, Ain't Afraid to die, Higeki ha Mabuto Wo Yasashiki Utsu [or whatever it is xDDD].

    My favorite Gauze era song would have to be Cage just cause of Kyo's singing and the awesome bass-line. Although talking about Missa to Macabre, KR Cube, and/or Macabre are my favorite. It's hard to say, but I love the album Macabre to death. Egnirys to me was a little too repetitive and simple. I have the tabs for it so yeah.

    And just wondering, does anybody love THE PLEDGE? I fell in deep lust with this song just because I can feel Kyo's emotions spilling out into the fan's ears. <3

  6. Stacked Rubbish Review

    This is my official and FINAL review of the newest the GazettE album ‘Stacked Rubbish.’ All judgment and comments are final! If you don’t like the way I critique a song deal with it. This will be done in order of the songs that come on the album.

    The first song is ‘Art Drawn by Vomit.’ This isn’t really a song; it’s more of a beat with Ruki’s deeper voice. He speaks “Hey Jesusâ€

  7. Ohhh, your little playlist went GazeRock crazy. x3

    Anyways, I bet they will go fast, not to make you nervous. But if you are dedicated enough you will fight all obstacles to get them. And it's a mini tour, so it is at large venues right? Or so I would assume.

  8. Well the females singing are Japanese, and it sounds to me like they are saying Stack/ed you FURY and pain. Japanese wouldn't pronounce FU sounds like americans, so it would sound like Fuury. Hmm...

  9. Nine is early for you, I can't wake up later then eight.

    Anyways, the tickets are on sale tomorrow? I remember when I was waiting for the Dir en grey Inward Scream tickets to go on presale. x3

  10. I dunno about it for some reason, High-Rise-Building is awesome, but I'm not sure how I feel about Cloud. I think I just need to listen to it a bit more.

  11. Wow, thanks so much! I found Agony the other day, but didn't have the rest of these.

    The lyrics seem to be darker in this album than previously. I like it myself. <3 Like it very much.

    They are more darker, but the same has happened to Dir en grey and their new single. Kind of interesting. I don't have many of the english translations so I can't say I understand Stacked Rubbish fully

  12. olala

    i've seen them all x3

    and yes i agree kyo & toshie = sugar for eyes


    kaokao & die have like beer bellys


    and shinya...that boy is waaay to skinny

    somebody should feed him

    Somebody does indeed need to feed poor poor Shinya. Or convince him that eating is good. I'm sure his metabolism is off the charts, he won't gain much weight.

    Kaoru and Daisuke do have like beer bellies only still being skinny. xD

    Wish I had that.

  13. Yeah of course.

    Toshiya and Kyo shirtless is like partytime for the eyes.

    Kaoru and Die aren't that impressive shirtless O_O;

    And I haven't seen Shinya without a shirt. Dx

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