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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by xMilou

  1. HATE VK BANDS that are new and make dumb music wanting to be heavy and omg kawwwaaaiiiizzzz music. The best vk music was around 2002 to 2006....then the rest suxs with very few exceptions.


    most of the new bands are all ´no, not really´. like, it´s not THAT horrible, but it also isn´t the best thing ever :/

  2. I only have one single of them on my iPod, but the songs I´ve heard from them were good, so I care.

    I can´t wait until Dir en Grey and all those other shit with REAL OMG POTENTIAL disband, so that I can comment: Who cares?

  3. wow. I want to go to Bochum! D:

    even though I promised myself I´d never go to a concert in Germany again, because they are just too much for sometimes XD

    but it looks like the venue has chairs? or will they remove them?

  4. ah I believe I recognize you!

    I was standing like next to you when you took those pictures XD

    the fool was so nice! even though Goo left really soon, I believe he wanted to go home.. XD

    but I really like the photos c: I also took pictures with Gunji and everyone from Luzmelt, but I look horrible on almost EVERY picture > >

    anyways.. this is me:


    waiting for D=OUT. I'm on the right. yes, I was also scared when I saw my eyes D: (and weird arm.)


    waiting for Versailles. Well.. it was really sunny that day, and when I found this box in front of a store I thought I could use it to make a sunshade. of course it failed.


    and this.. well after waiting for about 10 hours for the fool and Luzmelt, we finally got inside. this is me and a friend. (at the front row ;D yay for no fences. the lives in Tivoli are always the best ;P)


    and this last picture was made at the end of the concert from Luzmelt (it's from Yuhma's blog). that's me, holding Yuhma and Yuhma's water bottle.. oh god I'm such an idiot XD

  5. Great! Their last mini was a hit and miss for me.

    Hopefully they'll come to America instead of going like 50 times a year to Europe...

    I can understand why visual bands prefer going 50 times a year in Europe instead of America.

    Yesterday, I was watching D'espairsRay live video in America... OMG, public is really annoying...

    I thought : they all seem to be waiting the end to come quickly. Even the band.

    No jumping, no headbang,... Ok...

    See a live in France, you'll understand why Unsraw wants to come again ! Last time it was CHAOS.

    (I really want to see them again)


    from videos I´ve seen of concerts in America.. it´s all " :/ "

    and I think UnsraW doesn´t want " :/ "

    even those scary German fangirls are better than that XD

    a friend of mine told me that a concert she went to in France also was really good, it was kind of like here, in the Netherlands. which means it was really awesome xD

  6. yay!

    they´re one of my favourite bands c:

    but when will they come to Europe, if they´ll be in Japan in november, december and january? ; . ;

    I mean, that´s winter, right? XD well, I´m hoping for february then c:

    Their live-schedule on the homepage goes 'til November, so they could come to Europe in December.

    Just because they are releasing a single in Japan in December, doesn't mean they can't come to Europe.

    But January is unlikely, because -OZ- comes in January, unless it's a coupling-tour, so I would say December or, as you said, February.

    well, I don´t think it´s a coupling tour. UnsraW´s last tour went pretty good I believe, and -OZ- also is known enough to do a oneman tour.

    so yes, it´s probably december or february.. but january is still possible though. I believe that about a year ago Dio, MUCC and Miyavi all came in like 3 weeks? > <

  7. my exact reaction was: WHAT THE FUCK??

    but I don´t really care THAT much.. I really love their old style, but the new songs were shit ; . ;

    I hope the new band is better c:

  8. my YouTube account got deleted yesterday > > AGAIN.

    I used to be:




    and now.. I´m not sure yet. I´ve been thinking about maybe making more accounts, like one for lives and one for comments? and then I´ll just use seperate email-adresses, so that only one gets deleted.

    ..and omg the new name D: probably something with xMilou XD

  9. I missed Anli Pollicino, and I really want to see GUILD! even though I was actually waiting for Golden Bomber XD

    but seriously, WTF? are those for cities?

    that just can´t be true! there has to be at least one date in Germany or France > <

    I hope they announce more dates later..

    I just ask one of my friend from Zany Zap about more dates...waiting for answer....we will see
    well, I hope they also come on the other side of Europe..

    but I just see that the tour is called 2010 GUILD EAST EUROPE TOUR DATE

    nooo~ ; . ;

    but as Aion already said, I guess the organisers aren´t that.. smart?

    I don´t know, I just don´t think there are many fans on that side of Europe.

    and again WTF? I´ve never even heard of a country named Belarus XD

    You're Dutch right?

    dan is het Wit-Rusland :)

    oh whaha XD dat wist ik dus echt niet! uit die andere namen kon ik wel wat opmaken, maar Belarus.. dat lijkt er gewoon nog niet eens op XD

    ik dacht gewoon altijd dat het White-Russia heette ofzo > <;;

  10. I missed Anli Pollicino, and I really want to see GUILD! even though I was actually waiting for Golden Bomber XD

    but seriously, WTF? are those for cities?

    that just can´t be true! there has to be at least one date in Germany or France > <

    I hope they announce more dates later..

    I just ask one of my friend from Zany Zap about more dates...waiting for answer....we will see
    well, I hope they also come on the other side of Europe..

    but I just see that the tour is called 2010 GUILD EAST EUROPE TOUR DATE

    nooo~ ; . ;

    but as Aion already said, I guess the organisers aren´t that.. smart?

    I don´t know, I just don´t think there are many fans on that side of Europe.

    and again WTF? I´ve never even heard of a country named Belarus XD

  11. I missed Anli Pollicino, and I really want to see GUILD! even though I was actually waiting for Golden Bomber XD

    but seriously, WTF? are those for cities?

    that just can´t be true! there has to be at least one date in Germany or France > <

    I hope they announce more dates later..

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