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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by girusatoshi89

  1. I love everyones on here. especially since i only have like two friends in my whole school who listen to Jrock. its nice to have other people to talk about jrock with. *hugs everyone* hehe oh and i love Zelda XD, woot twilight princess!

  2. i have a lot of L'arc songs.....they were my first fav band. i loves them, their dear to my heart, heh. i really like their older stuff though. I'm not into their newer stuff.

  3. The first song i heard from him was pop is dead. then it was Jibun Kakumei. then after that, lol, it was Ippiki Ookami Ron. He's pretty good, not my favorite though. His songs are too random for my taste. He is really hot though :D

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