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Posts posted by Bloodragin

  1. haha atm I'm into Yaoi/shonen ai... more shonen ai then anything else haha.. kinda over porn...

    although the 15 year old who I'm friends with watches it while i talk to him on Msn.. and I always pretend dumb when he is doing it... i always go "what ya doing" and he is like "nm.. busy..." and I ask what he is doing and he always says busy...

    and then eventually he yells at me... haha

    I remember back when i was like 13 maybe a bit younger...

    I went to soo much porn I infected the computer with soo many viruses and spyware and when no one was using the computer pop ups would spawn for no reason... and we used to be like wtf!!

    and then i had to wipe the hard drive.. haha...

    And thats my story....

  2. you sure? I've haven't herd of Firefox ever giving people viruses.... Maybe you should stop looking at porn ;)

    I'm just kidding, lol

    Gotta love thoes Trojans xD

    always a good way to tell if people have been looking at porn... if they have Trojan Horses haha

    Firefox shouldn't be giving anyone viruses... maybe your virus software is retarded and fears the best browser ever?

  3. Yes...

    Apparently some teen my age got beaten in a park i walk through to go to work and then dragged into a near by house.. kept there for about an hour and then he escaped and went to the hospital... and my house is inbetween both houses....

    Mind you this happened at about 1am and i dont go walking around at 1am =]

    can you do a back flip?

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