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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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About Miasma

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    high on nail polish

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  1. Look I'm not heterophobic some of my friends are heterosexuals but why are straight ppl so ~in your face~ all the time? Like I get it you're straight

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. nekkichi


      > Being straight, I've had the same experience with gay men having to somehow prove something to me through their sexuality in the same manner.


    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Wait was this all irony and we fell for a trap

    4. Miasma


      maybe I should have added "/s" at the end of that, but I thought it was pretty obvious it was a joke.

      Seconding nekkichi. My comment was pointing out the terrible double standard that straight people have against lgbt people. They can freely (and childishly) talk about boobs all the time, but if a gay man says anything that implies he's gay then straight people feel threatened or act like gay ppl have "something to prove" to them.

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