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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by taka

  1. taka

    i just hope it won't be 5:42 long again and half silent :/ lynch. - pulse_
  2. taka

    lynch. - melt *wants THE BURIED soooo much*
  3. taka

    *hugs* XD lynch. - the whirl
  4. taka

    yaaay, another Golf-Mike lover <3 lynch. - Liberation chord
  5. taka

    Fl¸ur - Formalin
  6. taka

    Sunaku - In Half
  7. taka

    Dry Kill Logic - Kingdom Of The Blind
  8. taka

    you said you were tired of it o.O try Entwine once again while you're in such mood ;D
  9. taka

    20 more days 'til release ;__; ShamRain - Sound Asleep
  10. taka

    Entwine - The Pit
  11. taka

    suuuuure, they're all yours XD
  12. taka

    sorry, zombie, i've ate all Pikacookies >< maybe you want this...er...turtle?oO*has no idea who's that*
  13. taka

    yes, evil Prism infected me -__- but hey, Finland rules! there was a time when i was a crazy HIM fan >< while also listening to some stuff like The 69 eyes, Nightwish, Negative..thanks god, that time has passed XD though now i also like Poets of the Fall <3 ShamRain - Statues Shogu, Placebo are always sexy. you must listen to them sometimes ;_;
  14. taka

    'kay, if you say so.. when i want some break i start listening to Placebo. and it's really hard to stop <3 Entwine - Tonight
  15. taka

    yeah, you <3 naaaah, no japanese stuff for today XD you're right, there are always should be breaks. though i'm still going to check at least L'eprica ) Entwine - Tonight
  16. taka

    haha, you're back XD Entwine - Tonight
  17. taka

    i've got some ShamRain stuff already)) but can't stop listening to Entwine to check their softer version ;__; Entwine - Tonight (Bonus)
  18. taka

    Entwine - Until The End beautiful *__*
  19. taka

    oO Entwine - Falling Apart
  20. taka

    Entwine - Everything for You
  21. taka

    Entwine - Break Me
  22. taka

    Entwine - My Serenity
  23. taka

    not yet. i've downloaded only Gone by now. the rest for tomorrow) Entwine - Curtained Life yes, Shogu, CHECK THEM.
  24. taka

    ShamRain?*writes down* will check Entwine - Insomniac
  25. taka

    you could've run into some problems 'coz it's a russian site. so you've chosen a harder way but perhaps a better one XD Entwine - Break Me awwwwesome
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