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Everything posted by Kaye

  1. Kaye

    I like the second part of the sample (the scratching and stuff) But Satoshi's voice is too clean. It's been bothering me ever since NOW and all the single after and before it. I want raw Satoshi back. I'm waiting for the album, I'm still planning to go and see them in London because I know they're awesome live, but I'm scared as well :s
  2. Kaye

    Is a big YG fan! @HanakoHikari: It's Kanata, yes.
  3. Kaye

    Thing is that I only like Asian kids young, western guys need to be my age or older. (My boyfriend is one year and a half older than I am, and looking at the kids who're in my class right now, I wouldn't want anyone younger than him) Nearly every single one of my Asian favorites is younger than I am though (Or the same age). It's just a single few (Heechul/Kenichi Matsuyama/...) that's older. So yeah, it's all about the people in the relationship at the end. If they're feeling good, then what's the problem?
  4. Kaye

    Highschool of the Dead
  5. Kaye

    A friend of mine (she's 21), is together with a 16 year-old kid. I know I'd never do it, but she seems happy so we (me and my friends) don't really talk about it anymore. It bothered me in the beginning though, but the kid's pretty mature for his age as well. 13 and 18 is something different. Just because most 13-year-olds are kids. They look like kids, they act like kids. There isn't such a thing as a grown-up 13-year-old. (I have brothers and sisters enough to prove that) But, then again, if you feel good about it, then you shouldn't let people bother you, and go ahead with what you want (I have to admit though, seeing all those Korean kids these days, I might change my mind. I'm 22, 2 of my favorite Koreans are 17 and 16. )
  6. Kaye

    Has a new ava?
  7. Kaye

    Junhyung/Yoseob collab is good
  8. Kaye

    I like their music. Well, certain songs of it. It's creepy how Ryutarou never seems to age though. He still looks in his twenties :s
  9. Kaye

    Same here. Mini is good. And if it'll grow on me, it'll probably be great Ayame is still creepy though :s
  10. Kaye

  11. Like everyone else => Crossfaith & The Prodigy? Wow
  12. Kaye

    That performance was one of the first where I'd love to jump on stage along with the people who're performing, just because it seems like a big party. Honestly, I've never seen a stage that seemed as fun as that one High High is awesome. I don't like the 'aight' though. Remembers me of some strange kid at school who couldn't stop saying it :s
  13. And finally they have a new bassist Kind of strange seeing Lynch as a 5 member band though. I'm used to only seeing 4 guys
  14. Kaye

    Off topic but Danger Crue is under Universal, not Sony. Small mistake. And I thought the Now covers were fun because the 5 year old kid marked their 5 years into music. While these covers are just stuff pasted next to each other to form GO. I would have liked it more if they'd just put a big Kanji sign for Go on the cover. Or a big 5 for that matter
  15. Kaye

    They're still indies yes. It would surprise me if they'd go major though. For a strange reason they always seemed a band that would stay indies forever. (But maybe I'm still stuck in post Music days) Mucc is on the same label and they're still indies right? Or am I wrong?
  16. Kaye

    http://twitter.com/HeartlessMinds I've been using it to show links to my blog-updates. I'm not really doing anything else one it, but it might change once I get more people on my list haha
  17. Kaye

    Scrobbling under GD&TOP as well. Don't care about the one where the artwork is uploaded. Anyone can upload these things. I don't think YG will even bother going to Lastfm
  18. Kaye

    18:12 (6:12 in the evening)
  19. Kaye

    What is it called? I don't know if I'll be able to download (bad connection for the moment) , but I do have a Jpopsuki account
  20. Kaye

    Really like High High, don't know about the rest yet. Teasers are either the worst part of the song, or the best. If it's the latter, I'll be disappointed
  21. Kaye

    Looks good Can't wait.
  22. Kaye

    It was pretty good, and I'm glad they played shock. Sadly I could see they had a little bit of problems with their microphones, but aside from that it was great. Also I love how this time they weren't wearing their different rainbow colored jackets. I like my Beast fierce. Fierce Beast is the best I need Shock and Soom, no Bad Girl and Beautiful Though I like Beautiful as well
  23. Kaye

    Made me want to change my avatar (but I'm out of ideas )
  24. Kaye

    Doesn't know the boy on Kachida's Ava
  25. Kaye

    Don't know if they've been added before but I got another one! Endzweck Saw them live in my own country some years back, and though I don't really like Hardcore Punk, I liked their live.
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