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Everything posted by Prism

  1. Prism

    "Planet" - Kra
  2. Prism

    "Chikai" - jealkb
  3. Prism

    "Venom~venom~" - NoveLis
  4. Prism

    "BRUTAL" - Dilemma
  5. Prism

    "CRUEL" - Dilemma
  6. Prism

    "Wild & Innocent" - aphasia
  7. Prism

    "The Red Carpet Day" - Versailles
  8. Prism

    "Hyena" - the GazettE
  9. Prism

    "Ouka" - Kaya
  10. Prism

    "Winter Farewell" - HIZAKI grace project
  11. Prism

    "Ouka" - Kaya
  12. Prism

    "Distorted thought" - HIZAKI grace project
  13. Prism

    "Dark Passage" - HIZAKI grace project
  14. Prism

    "Cradle" - HIZAKI grace project
  15. Prism

    "Node of Scherzo" - Node of Scherzo
  16. Prism

    "Jewel ~todokanai omoi~" - Juka
  17. Prism

    "brilliancy" - Juka
  18. Prism

    Yeah. xD "Baby Doll" - Juka
  19. Prism

    Yep, all 3. "Node of Scherzo" - Node of Scherzo
  20. Prism

    Yeah, the name is Node of Scherzo. The band members are Kamijo, Kaya and Juka on vocals, HIZAKI (Versailles) on guitar and Jasmine You (Versailles) on bass. I don't actually know who the drummer is. They haven't said anything yet. "Node of Scherzo" - Node of Scherzo
  21. Prism

    "Aravesque" - Juka
  22. Prism

    Guess not, lol. "brilliancy" - Juka
  23. Prism

    lol "Baby Doll" - Juka
  24. Prism

    "Baby Doll" - Juka
  25. Prism

    "Aravesque" - Juka
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