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Original Saku

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Everything posted by Original Saku

  1. Original Saku

    "ピカソ" - Merpeoples
  2. Original Saku

    Really to tell you the truth, this game could be the best game of the year no joke, even better than Skyrim or Assassins Creed... it has the content and replay-ability to keep you going for well over 50+ hours, I've had it for a little less than a week and I can already see that this arkham series Rocksteady has going on could be so big by the next game, they've done such a great job of improving on the winning formula that they had with asylum that it is just plain astonishing considering how good asylum was and how much better and bigger they made city. I'm glad I decided to get it and because of it I'm starting to really get absorbed into the world and setting of batman and all the iconic characters that brings with it.
  3. Original Saku

    I'm totally psyched for it, and that beta bullshit doesn't concern me.. for one it wasn't really a beta, a beta implies that their putting a early build of the game out, so they can debug and make gameplay adjustments and that is not why they put the beta out, Dice did the open beta to tweak server issues and to test server loading and the like, so when the game comes out there will be no issues with playing online, like how BC2 came out and nobody could play online for a week because Dice's servers were overloaded. Even Dice themselves admitted that it wasn't a true beta and that the reason why they called it a beta when it isn't is because of the common disambiguation that alot of people believe a beta is the same thing as a demo, so without causing confusion they just kept calling it a beta instead. But with all that aside I don't take the beta seriously, I mean come on they gave us shitty operation metro COD copycat bullshit rush map with not a single vehicle to be found... I'm sorry but that is not Rush and that is not Battlefield. It's obvious that entire map was made for the cancer known as the Call of duty fans, and then they put it as the only map on the open beta that everyone is gonna play and use to form an opinion of the game, of rather their gonna buy it or not, and why? because that's how their gonna steal the show from activision, so this way the long term battlefield fans who know what the BF main series is all about is gonna buy the game regardless of the fact they chose a shitty map that doesn't represent the "true" battlefield experience because they know whats truely in store for the other maps (like Caspian Border!!) and that it'll be great. while at the same time drawing in all the COD fans into changing franchises. / end rant but yea now that i got that off my chest, I'll be getting it on Tuesday for 360 and my gamertag is the same as my username "Original Saku" hit me up for a game of conquest or whatever xD
  4. Original Saku

    Watch the anime series and the ova's... it's much better than the manga IMO. not to mention way more emotional and I feel the message of the series is delivered a whole lot better in the animations than the manga, although the manga cover more of the story after the anime ends... Just read about 100 chapters of "air gear" in an attempt to catch up and I'm contemplating about starting to read "Ao no exorcist" since I rather enjoyed the anime and feel the manga might be a worthwhile venture XD
  5. Original Saku

    From Dusk Till Dawn 1-3
  6. Original Saku

    The Hills Have Eyes
  7. Original Saku

    Well I got it, and I'm glad I did!! It's just so massive and the world is so beautiful. Asylum's open world doesn't have shit on city's open world. There is so much stuff to do in the game as far as side missions, Riddler challenges, and collectibles that you get sidetracked so easily from the main story but the thing is it's so beautiful and well executed that you don't even mind. Definitely happy that i picked this up!
  8. Original Saku

    Paranormal Activity 3
  9. Original Saku

    Long running series: One Piece Bleach Naruto Air Gear Recently: Beelzbulb Fairy Tail Hunter x Hunter I need to try getting into some other series, It seems like I've been reading Naruto chapters for years (owait I have!) lol
  10. Original Saku

    Absolutely superb! I just can't get over her voice, it's so perfect and I love the inclusion of the harp in this song. It kinda sounded somewhat like a fairy tale and the vibe from the video definitely helps that.
  11. Original Saku

    The Hills Have Eyes 2
  12. Original Saku

    fucking cliffhanger like usual XD
  13. Original Saku

    9/10... now this I like Kingdom Hearts
  14. Original Saku

    Plan on it, but really not a priority right now considering I'm still in the middle of "Demon Souls" and the fact that "Arkham City" comes out in 3 days and I've got it payed off... so definitely no time for super difficult "Dark Souls" right now. Maybe around Christmas time i'll get it. either way I heard some dope things about it, it seems the general consensus (at least among the dozen or so people I know that has it) is that it is super hard and it will take you forever just to get anywhere but once you finally break through the rewards end up outweighing the grind and repetitiveness, and then your hooked for life.
  15. Original Saku

    4/10 Idk VK avatars just don't do it for me anymore :/
  16. Original Saku

    3/10 ehh...
  17. Original Saku

    alright let me re-word that. that's the charm of the Golden Sun series, and it'd be pretty stupid to change the formula three games in, me thinks... Btw have you even played any of the GS games? because the way your judging them implies that you have played them enough to know the flaws, but that doesn't make no sense.. why would you play a series that you think is shitty? Unless you really like shitty games rite?
  18. Original Saku

    bought RAGE last week
  19. Original Saku

    thinking about trading in some shit to get it, not really sure though because... but i'll probably get it anyways >.>
  20. Original Saku

    been using this theme in rainmeter for a few weeks now...
  21. Original Saku

    that's the charm of it all dumbass.
  22. Original Saku

    ^ don't say that. it gets really interesting at like 50 chapters in! but of course a lot of the stuff in the manga I feel is more fronted towards the Japanese audience since more than half way through it becomes more about the comedy and less about the action, which is obviously not the direction the anime went and probably why they didn't do another season either.... but yeah if you don't get or think Japanese humor is funny than obviously your not gonna enjoy it. I myself believe I've stopped around chapter 250-260... I really need to pick it back up but there's just other stuff going on right now i'm interested in, atleast pertaining to manga..
  23. Original Saku

    Just re-watched "Hunter x Hunter" for the first time in almost 5 years, and it still strikes a chord within me... it's just so inspiring to me, even after almost eight years since I originally watched it!! but yeah really just had to go down memory lane for preparation of the 2011 remake other than that it's been the same old never ending stuff that's still going on, and the new seasons of certain stuff, recently picked up watching some of the new fall animes such as; the persona animation and the new Mobile Suit Gundam: AGE anime that just started last week, but that's just because I'm an absolute gundam otaku XD
  24. Original Saku

    Welcome!! Hope you enjoy it here XD It's great to see a new member with such excellent tastes
  25. Original Saku

    ^ keep going CAT... it's gonna get so good in like 80 episodes when he goes to "impel down", and don't even get me started on what follows that Oh and speaking of one piece I can't wait for the time skip in a few weeks
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