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Posts posted by '-x-LeRei-x-'

  1. haha, you really like the new Guitarist...

    You've been mentioning him for like, everytime I chat wid you or something...

    But still, bou's the best

    ~Bou's my obsession... lol


    I like him better then Yuuki! >8D

    but then I still like kanon and bou more 8D


    poor yuuki. XDD

    seems like everybody in this world hates him.. well maybe the talents not. XD

    an cafe wouldnt have a keyboard player if he's not good on it. o.O


    *I will be mean*

    It's his fault for not removing the damn wig off his head!



    I'm so mean to Yuuki


  2. L'Arc sang for many anime shows

    but then they dim't really watch them

    like FMA...L'Arc sang Ready steady go, Link ... and many more

    but then Hyde said they don't even know how the character look like

  3. nope...NEVER!!!

    have you ever seen a famous person?


    I met a famous rockstar ROB MARCELLO!


    he's so good at playing the guitar

    rob marcello = guitarist of mothly crue (really old band that not existing anymore)


  4. @ '-x-LeRei-x-'

    I dunno you have a lip piercing... [i never ask though  ]

    And got Miyavi's Oresama hair too!

    That's COOL! Yeah! ROCK IT! \m/

    Oh I din't tell you??

    gomen for not saying 8D

    I don't like -miyavi- I love him! Haha....


    you really love him! xD

    me too



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