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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by トカゲ

  1. トカゲ

    Keep. A sixpack of Guinness?
  2. トカゲ

    White Wedding (Billy Idol) What are you hoping for?
  3. トカゲ

    Dir en grey ~ Amon
  4. トカゲ

    doesn't know how right she is
  5. トカゲ

    is speaking about a band I don't know
  6. トカゲ

    has a strange username
  7. トカゲ

    Banned for being younger than me old fart.
  8. トカゲ

    Just had the chance to listen to the first 10 songs of Arche and I couldn't love it more so far. As someone who loves their VK-past and than again their records starting by Uroboros, but having some troubles with the records Vulgar, WtD and MoaB, this record is once more just an acoustic orgasm. I listen to Doom Metal like Horn of the Rhino and I have to admit Arche is really kind of emotional and sensitive while being hard and fucking dark, something I often miss by western bands with such heaviness. The dark, heavy sound and the deep bass could fit sometimes to Doom. ♥ Like back then when Uroboros came out Arche hits my weak spot and fits perfectly to my life right now like nothing else. Loving Uroboros and DSS I have to say, I can't wait to listen to the rest of Arche tonight thou I already love this baby! 10/10
  9. トカゲ

    Sacred Reich - Surf Nicaragua
  10. トカゲ

    Siouxsie and the Banshees - Green Fingers
  11. トカゲ

    has a funny location
  12. トカゲ

    Tad - Deliquent
  13. トカゲ

    11.22 pm Germany
  14. トカゲ

    has a sexy ava
  15. トカゲ

    MUCC ~ Mae e
  16. トカゲ

    Soundgarden - Black Rain
  17. トカゲ

    Hair is a bit longer and darker.
  18. トカゲ

    has an amusing sig
  19. トカゲ

    Work. Cross or pentagram?
  20. トカゲ

    10/10 sooo true...
  21. トカゲ

    doesn't know Nancy Grace
  22. トカゲ

    22.41 (10.41 pm), Germany
  23. トカゲ

    is from Argentinia
  24. トカゲ

    No. Ever fall asleep at school/work?
  25. トカゲ

    Keep for myself. My madness?
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