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Everything posted by ronluna

  1. ronluna

    tells him that my username is part of my real name and his pic in real life reminds me of ginjou of bleach
  2. ronluna

    keep her rock image her latest concert?
  3. ronluna

    has the same taste with ホーンテッドジェラシー and found my name sexy
  4. ronluna

    keep the creator of comics or manga?
  5. ronluna

    probably doesnt know the japanese metal bands starting their career in 1977-1980+
  6. ronluna

    i am happy that shes back [refers to her question]
  7. ronluna

    her japanese is lacking she says
  8. ronluna

    last week i played it but when i accept somebody it doesnt show them in my neighbor's list. the playing style i think is better than all zynga games.
  9. ronluna

    tsukaikata - way of usage
  10. ronluna

    misses me and finally has returned!
  11. ronluna

    http://www.myspace.com/gastunk/music/songs/sunshine-of-your-love-71316292 GASTUNK - SUNSHINE OF YOUR LOVE (CREAM cover)
  12. ronluna

    if a video has another band featured in the dvd but the japanese wiki and the official site says nothing about it, probably its a fake. a japanese dvd doesnt contain all chinese characters in the description.
  13. ronluna


    ive wondered where you are now and finally youre back, welcome back!!
  14. ronluna

    has another account
  15. ronluna

    keep some kick others gackt's crew?
  16. ronluna

    keep @sai it is called BLIBS it makes gifs from videos but stored it only temporarily though LunaPic | Free Online Photo Editor ?
  17. ronluna

    QMzLqd_tnoM their new PV The Sign i only saw it now.
  18. ronluna

  19. ronluna

    DOUBLE KILL GODLIKE OWNAGE i like this teaser!
  20. ronluna

    keep but ill make it bigger a gif hosting website that is better than gifsoup without attaching their logo or name?
  21. ronluna

    ^its the promotional videos compilation of that album of that band keep all their pics and keep some of their music your sig that is similar to herpes' sig?
  22. ronluna

  23. ronluna

    3efZBu8RoLc [slam Dunk] Shohoku VS Sannoh
  24. ronluna

    \(^ー^)ノ welcome to MH!!
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