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Posts posted by toshii9245

  1. ^True, that. Honestly, not obtain+1 was the best album they've ever released thus far; and their earlier works before that were also cool, IMO. For their recent stuffs, TATTOO and THE PAIN OF CATASTROPHE were also good, tho.

  2. I'm not their fan. I neither like nor despise them, but I admit that I ever did give a listen to some of their songs [which I thought were not that good or as spectacular as their fans might've said]; and that's it. I'm pretty much indifferent.

  3. ...lol @Kiryu, Paradeis, DaizyStripper and Golden Bomber being undervalued. A lot of fujoushis out there has, and still, make a huge fuss about the latter, specifically after seeing them being so gay. Not pointing at both their musical abilities and how the music sounded like, tho.

  4. ..yeah. I was a little confused too, as well; I was distracted by some blasted noises from a person who sat next to me and in all of a sudden the movie seemed to make my IQ went lower by 20 points, lawl. Got quite better once I saw the movie again without any disturbance.

  5. This movie is no less than an epic sheer of masterpiece. I know that the idea of dreams within dreams has actually been 'legitimized' and told in a lot of manga, but still. DiCaprio, either through this or Shutter Island, deserves his first Oscar; and Christopher Nolan just owns. :''D

  6. I started missing Yama-B for certain reasons after seeing their live with Ono as a vocalist on youtube. Man, Ono's voice just sucked in live. >_>

  7. I hope they'll insert a re-recorded version of their earlier works like Scene in the Misereal etc. In their upcoming album. No more Wisteria/Viridian pt.2, plz.

  8. Idk, I don't care much with how slutty Yuuki [who, funnily enough, seemed that he wasn't wearing anything underneath his leather pants, lawl.] or how fucked Satoshi trying to impersonate Slash were; but the preview itself.. Terrible. Just terrible. I don't think the full-length track is gonna make this up, either. :/

  9. Too lazy to do a song-by-song review, but this album is overall really disappointing, IMO; probably is on par with mar maroon due to its dullness. I love Confession [and the 9th track, Ruri, is also decent], THE PAIN OF CATASTROPHE and TATTOO; but since the latter two were already in their previous releases, so. New songs generally sucked hard, I missed their old stuffs like not obtain+1 and the likes.

  10. I actually love it; much better than what I at first expected, which would most possibly be much alike Remember the rain and the likes--but thank God it's not. Juri's singing voice in Engrish makes me cringe, as always, and a weird transition started at about 01:40 is also a weak point; but still. Great work with cool varying tempo; this song is overall a type that I wouldn't get bored sitting and listening to, repeatedly. 8.5/10.

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