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Everything posted by new.age.hide

  1. new.age.hide

    I own a cat? Do you own more than 10 pets? (I own 11)
  2. new.age.hide

    Sel'm - Roid
  3. new.age.hide

    Oh god no! I would be brutally murdered it I did! Umm... Do you own too many stuffed animals? (there is no such thing!!)
  4. new.age.hide

    Yes. I like school... I'm weird. D: Ever punch a hole in your wall? (I haven't yet. I've cracked my door though and dented a school locker)
  5. new.age.hide

    Nope. Ever get something lost in the mail?
  6. new.age.hide

    Depends. I hate cig smoke yet love bonfire smoke. Ever own rats?
  7. new.age.hide

    Yup. I hate the egotistical, ugly, stuck-up ass. Do you want a Wii? (I got ooooone <3)
  8. new.age.hide

    Yuh. Ever wish you could KILL Mana? (am I the only person who hates him?)
  9. new.age.hide

    Nope. Too curious for my own good. Ever dream about being onstage with a JRocker? (Ryuutarou *-*)
  10. new.age.hide

    Yup. and Kiwi I meant like, how is this person walking sumo wrestler big. D: I didn't mean to offend. Ever smack someone in class?
  11. new.age.hide

    Yes. Ever accidently see up a fat person's skirt? *gag*
  12. new.age.hide

    Yup. Ever scratch yourself in public?
  13. new.age.hide

    No. But I swallowed a leaf. Ever eat mints like candy?
  14. new.age.hide

    Nope. Ever drink Bawls?
  15. new.age.hide

    ...am I creepy cause I did that? Ever been stalked?
  16. new.age.hide

    Yup. I wish they hadn't closed the museum... I would have loved to go... Ever hold the phone away and pretend to listen?
  17. new.age.hide

    No. Ever cry over hide's death even though it's been 9 years?
  18. new.age.hide

    King Kong and the Incredible Hulk. Yuppers. Ever wish you were Asian?
  19. new.age.hide

    No. It's overrun by white people wanting to be black Does your school lack hot Asians?
  20. new.age.hide

    No. Is your school known for an STD outbreak?
  21. new.age.hide

    Noope. I'm a lazy bastard. Do you like to spread the awesomeness of JRock to random people?
  22. new.age.hide

    Mmm. My parents are afraid of me driving for that reason. ;D Ever scream you were vibrating in a very public place? (Cellphones people)
  23. new.age.hide

    Nightmare - the WORLD
  24. new.age.hide

    I stick everything in my mouth. I have a chewing/biting problem. So yea. Ever hump someone's leg?
  25. new.age.hide

    I punched a dent into a metal locker, does that count? Ever run head first into a door?
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