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Everything posted by Kiwi

  1. Kiwi

    Yeah, but if it was EVERYWHERE. . . Then, it'd be different. It's only in her area. Ugh. Just got out of shop. Now I'm in Civics. And I finished all of my work and they even checked my essay, which I already redid. =___=; And my friend that sits next to me hasn't even started her essay. . .
  2. Kiwi

    I agree. D; But can you imagine how expensive that'd be, though? Everything would go up in price that pertain to a computer.
  3. Kiwi

    People need to get their panties out of a bunch. *Coughryuracough* *Coughyourelieingyoudgetsuedforbeatingupateachercough* No. I haven't. Can you eat food or drinks in the middle of your classes in school?
  4. Kiwi

    Oh, of course I love you!
  5. Kiwi

    My boyfriend's a spedy-sped.
  6. Kiwi

    No. I'm on the phone with my BOYFRIEND. Ever take your shoes off in public?
  7. Kiwi

    *Double post* Omg so yeah guess who just found out they can get on here durring school. . . xD I thought it'd be blocked. But I suppose not. -____- AND NO ONE'S ON. . .
  8. Kiwi

    The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - False Pretense
  9. Kiwi

    xD! My boyfriend's hot as hell. So, no! Ever want liposuction?
  10. Kiwi

    Nyquil works wonders. I take it when I can't sleep. Knocks me out. .___.;; Ughasld;kfmasdf. I can't wait 'til I don't need to go to school anymore. = w =;; *Groan*
  11. Kiwi

    No. O_o; . . . I've wanted to be a cat, though! Do you like granola bars :'D?
  12. Kiwi

    Nope. I don't drive. Ever stolen the car when your parents weren't home? *Coughsamcough*
  13. Kiwi

    . . . You're such a tard.
  14. Kiwi

    xD Omg yes. I'm so glad to find someone who likes Team Fortress!
  15. Kiwi

    Hell yeah... xD Thanks for agreeing.
  16. Kiwi

    Fuck sleep. xD Food > sleep.
  17. Kiwi

    xD No. But my boyfriend's currently eating vanilla icecream with fruity pebbles on it. Ever drink a gallon of iced tea in one day?
  18. Kiwi

    Not into a J-Rock style, no. But I've messed with it a lot xD. Ever cam whore?
  19. Kiwi

    Depends on which ones you're talking about. xD Right now the ones I'm wearing are black, white, and red plaid. X3 What's your favorite cereal?
  20. Kiwi

    .___. You horrible person. What did you get a crack for it or something?
  21. Kiwi

    T___T BUT TEAM FORTRESS IS FUN. I'mma make you play it sometime.
  22. Kiwi

    Fuck CS. Team Fortress is better.
  23. Kiwi

    Could've sworn Gunbound you had to pay for it now. :/ So I won't play it again. Sam - No. The only thing wrong about WoW is it's uber addictive. And over-rated.
  24. Kiwi

    EverQuest and there's this other one that I can't remember. xD I wanna play Gunbound!
  25. Kiwi

    Actually. I heard MapleStory's uber boring. Even though, y'know, me and you would be playing it if I had faster intarwebz.
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