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Everything posted by Spike760

  1. Spike760

    Weezy Baby - Weezy Going Crazy
  2. Spike760

    Yeah that sounds pretty awesome, I didn't like "enemy" that much though, or was it "forgiven" I'm not sure, but I know that "roaring in the dark" was their best single, I love that song sooo much!! I'm glad that they put it on the CD. Dude, I'm so excited, only one more week. I hope it gets leaked!!! xD
  3. Spike760

    Yeah, Atria should be cool. I like NoGod a lot too, I have their discography, but haven't really listened to them enough. My favorite songs though are, "Guren" and "Sakura". Although the PV for "Guren" is really scary, because the vocalist is really really weird looking, lol
  4. Spike760

    D'espairsRay - Trickstar
  5. Spike760

    GANEISHA - ???
  6. Spike760

    I have a lot of Berry, but probably not their discography, but I have a lot. I still like lynch. better, which reminds me THE AVOIDED SUN is released next Wednsday.
  7. Spike760

    you don't get lockers in college, but the high school one's weren't tiny, but I never used mine, because we were allowed to have backpacks. Have you ever ditched school/class?
  8. Spike760

    Oh man, it's really hard for me to stay up late now for some reason, a lot of the times I pass out at like 10 too, but I'm really active during the day, but teh other night we (my roommates and I) stayed out till like 8 in the morning partying, lol.
  9. Spike760

    Yeah, I didn't like the PV for Trickstar either, but I did like the SQUALL one, but D'espairsRay needs to have more exciting PV's, lol. About the lyrics, I don't think anyone has put up translations or romanji or the kanji yet. I checked the other day on Google.
  10. Spike760

    Once I get back home or something, I could up their new album "Fusion to the Core" I don't remember if anyone uploaded it or not.
  11. Spike760

    Wow, that's awesome. I think I heard about that, but I can't remember if I put it on the Calendar, but that's definately a release that will need to be put on!! xD
  12. Spike760

    D'espairsRay - LOST SCENE
  13. Spike760

    well i was/am on my psp @ the apartment. that took like 10 minutes to type.
  14. Spike760

    yeah, i've listened to it several times now. it is truely amazing! it's like a mix of their new style w/ their classic style! there are so many good tracks! i think my favorite track is trick star.
  15. Spike760

    Hey everyone, today's the release date for "Mirror" by D'espairsRay. I have it downloading right now, but I'm so excited, because I love D'espairsRay. So what's everyone think of it? I'll post mine later when I get the chance to listen to it.
  16. Spike760

    to my high roommate, he just found food. fatass wants food, fatass wants food!!
  17. Spike760

    Read it, lol.
  18. Spike760

    No, because that's kind of creepy, lol. Ever get your ass kicked by a tree?
  19. Spike760

    There's a couple of the singles posted in the download area, you can post requests for the one's you don't have in the Request forum if you want too. I get most of my stuff leaked as well, I'm really REALLY dissapointed that I couldn't find "Mirror" yet but it's actually released tomorrow so hopefully it'll be up (finally)!!
  20. Spike760

    Die is my favorite as well. And I think their earlier stuff is a lot better. My favorite album is probably Gauze, but I really did like the Withering to Death one as well.
  21. Spike760

    Moi Dix Mois - Dispell Bound
  22. Spike760

    No but when I take aderal, I can't sleep for like two nights. Have you ever taken a drug/medication not prescribed to you?
  23. Spike760

    UnsraW - BLACK OUT
  24. Spike760

    CELLT - ????????
  25. Spike760

    No, lol. That question is in a lot of surveys though, lol. Ever street race?
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