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Everything posted by Spike760

  1. Spike760

    Oh wait now that I think about it, I don't think I've heard "SEVENTH HEAVEN" I think I've only heard "SHINE". I don't know, "Milky Way" is still the best, lol.
  2. Spike760

    The Studs - Thursday
  3. Spike760

    I made this page my homepage... It loads fast though... Very quick! Wow, I'm flattered.
  4. Spike760

    Obscure (Uncut) will always be the best PV!! OMG, I love that one so much, it was so messed up the first time I watched it, and then I watched it again, and now I watch it all the time, lol. They played it in the background when they played Obscure live, lol.
  5. Spike760

    Yeah that's how I felt at first, I think that Yuuki totally destroys An Cafe's cuteness look, which they totally had going, especially with Bou. He must be a damn good pianist though, if they let him in.
  6. Spike760

    I used to listen to L'Arc~En~Ciel, when I first got into Japanese Rock, but I don't listen to them much anymore, I don't really like them all that much, although I do love "Milky Way" probably my favorite song by them, it's just so catchy, lol. I only listened to SEVENTH HEAVEN once, I watched the opening to the anime it was for, it sounded all right, a lot of their stuff kind of sounds the same.
  7. Spike760

    Invisionfree might just be sucking or something, lol.
  8. Spike760

    It's Hazuki (vocalist of lynch., he was also in deathgaze and Berry).
  9. Spike760

    OMG, I just listened to Zekkishoku or whatever their newest album was just over the weekend, and it was so much better than I remembered. I forgot how much I loved Alice Nine, I can't wait till their next single. I think it's called "White Prayer".
  10. Spike760

    Well you haven't listened to any of their older stuff. "Greedy Dead Souls" and "Underneath the Skin" were amazing. "THE AVOIDED SUN" is pretty good, but I would say it couldn't compare, the only really really good songs I liked on that CD were "Liberation Chord" which is AMAZING, "I'm sick b'cuz I luv u" and "roaring in the dark" which I already had from the single.
  11. Spike760

    I don't know, Phoebe hasn't said anything like that. She just said they have free internet, so she can like go to the beach with her PSP and go online and stuff.
  12. Spike760

    Oh well, you should check out some more stuff by them, I think all there is currently in the download section is the rest of the "Roid" single, which is just the title track, which was a lot better. I'll try to post more Sel'm when I get home, because all the songs are on my home PC. I'm still on my roommate's laptop.
  13. Spike760

    Haha yep. Where my girlfriend lives there's just free wi-fi everywhere, that's how it should be that would be awesome. Just like wherever you go there's internet that you can jump onto.
  14. Spike760

    Yeah lynch. is an amazing band, there will probably be a bunch of bands you've never heard of that you'll find on this forum, that are amazing. lynch. is probably my favorite band (Hazuki is featured as my avatar/signature). But yeah, they have a handful of hardcore songs, probably the most hardcore one they have is "Alien Tune" it's only like 2:00 minutes but it's pretty hard, lol. The new CD had a couple hardcore one's though, my favorite is still and always will be, "Liberation Chord".
  15. Spike760

    I used to listen to Miyavi when I was in my first stages of J-Rock, I'm pretty sure Kiwi introduced me to him, hehe. I liked some of his more hardcore songs, I can't remember the titles anymore though, like one was "Ippi ...." something, I think lol. And then I liked when he was like thrash, like "Freedom Fighters" but that was about it. I haven't been keeping up with him really, he has a new single in June though.
  16. Spike760

    An Cafe - Wagamama Kyoushoku (spelling?!) My roommate has it on his laptop!! xD
  17. Spike760

    It's a lot harder for me to get on during the week because I'm in Schaumburg for school. I use my two roommate's laptops to get on, we mooch internet from the neighbors, lol.
  18. Spike760

    Street Figher - Adon's Theme
  19. Spike760

    Oh yeah that's right, I forgot about "Roid" I love that song, but I don't like "Gibberish" as much. But yeah, Sel'm isn't as good as they used to be, both their newest singles were kind of dissapointing. But yeah, I think I might have to agree with you now Ito, I was just really excited that lynch. was releasing an album, so I got really excited, but now after listening to it a lot, it just has several good tracks. "Liberation Chord" is still amazing though, one of my favorites!! xD But yeah, I'm not sure which one Greedy Dead Souls is, because my "Greedy Dead Souls" and "Underneath the Skin" is all mixed up, I need to organize those.
  20. Spike760

    BUG - DIVE
  21. Spike760

    -OZ- - Azalea
  22. Spike760

    I like some PC games, my girlfriend tries to get me to play them the most, we played Ragnarok for a while, she still plays on several servers, she has like NPC's based off of her too (super nerd, lol), and we played PSO: Blue Burst for a while, I like that. And we played GunZ which is fun. Then I play Call of Duty which is fun, and Counter-Strike Source which is all right.
  23. Spike760

    Pashya - Hi no Tori
  24. Spike760

    There's only 9 songs total, and then maybe some omnibus tracks. I'm not sure if I have those... or if there even are, lol. But yeah, you should give them a listen, they're pretty good.
  25. Spike760

    Pashya Does anyone else listen to Pashya? I like them a lot, I have all three of their singles. I hope they release more stuff soon, because it's been a while.
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