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Everything posted by Spike760

  1. Spike760

    OMG, you've only heard "MIRROR", someone get "Coll:Set" for a GENTLIE LIE!!! I did like MIRROR, but I think in the long run, Coll:Set wins. And I have not heard anything about a new album next year, you should make a topic in the Rumor section... But yeah did anyone ever realize that this forum was named after "Tainted World" on Coll:Set?
  2. Spike760

    Ehh, never could get into Merry, as a lot of you know or will someday realize I don't like a lot of the jazz + vk rock. Although I have to admit I really liked the "Sayonara Ame" song that was on one of their newer albums.
  3. Spike760

    Rosanna - For Future
  4. Spike760

    xTRiPx is a good band. xD ZORO - Vaio
  5. Spike760

    R-15 - The dead world
  6. Spike760

    DETROX - Muddy
  7. Spike760

    Between all the downloads in the download section, I'm sure you could pull together their discography from here.
  8. Spike760

    Check their MySpace they have 1 song on it.
  9. Spike760

    Yeah, Omae ga sasageru minukui koe is frickin' awesome I love that song, the screaming in it is really good. xD
  10. Spike760

    Fukai, oh I don't have any of the singles, so I don't know if I've even ever heard that song before, lol. ^^; But yeah, I'm with you on 24ko clyinders, I love that song. I had to listen to it right now too, lol.
  11. Spike760

    Dir en grey - Kasumi
  12. Spike760

    I don't have it, but I'll take it when you upload it, lol. xD IZABEL VAROSA - Gekkou <33
  13. Spike760

    I've never heard of that band. Dir en grey - Marmalade Chainsaw
  14. Spike760

    Yeah omg, I'm still listening to Vulgar, and like a lot of the songs I didn't remember are really good too. This is up there with Withering to Death for my favorite Dir en grey album, the only thing that sucks is there's no really awesome ballad like The Final, or Kodou. Actually I think Drain Away might be but I'm not that far yet, but yeah you should definitely listen!! xD
  15. Spike760

    Haha yay, I really love that song, and it's all because of MUCC, because I was listening to their cover and I was like Whoa this is really awesome, lol. So then I busted out Vulgar, lol. Dir en grey - Shokubeni Another good song on Vulgar, I forgot to list.
  16. Spike760

    Oh man, I love Vulgar now too, like there's a lot of good songs on it, just from looking at the track list, "Audience Killer Loop", "The III D Empire", "Increase Blue"< "Red... [em]", "Marmalade Chainsaw", "Kasumi", "R To the Core", "Drain Away", "Obscure", and "Child Prey" and the other one's might be good too, I haven't listened to this CD in years!! But yeah, I love Withering to Death too, that's probably my favorite CD by them as of this moment.
  17. Spike760

    Ok yeah, so like I totally just got into Dir en grey again, I never realized how many awesome songs are on "Vulgar" it's now definitely up there with my favorite Dir en grey albums, I just realized how amazing the song "Kasumi" is I love the music, and melody. Are there any other really good Dir en grey songs like that?
  18. Spike760

    cult - Drop!
  19. Spike760

    Happy Birthday Uriko!!
  20. Spike760

    That is a really good alice nine. song. xD UnsraW - Social Faker
  21. Spike760

    Biuret - Mama
  22. Spike760

    Cage is pretty overrated, but it is a good song, and it's hella fun to play on the guitar, it's kind of hard though, lol. The Final is also overrated, but I love that song to death, probably my favorite Dir en grey song.
  23. Spike760

    lynch. - I'm sick, b'coz luv you.
  24. Spike760

    lynch. - above the skin
  25. Spike760

    I know D: It's so bad!! ??????? - cynical romance This band is really good. lol you know you can't help it xD mhuahahaha currently SuG -scheat but the ACID just finished so that in like a sec. So do you think ACID is better than BULL ZEICHEN 88?? ??????? - cynical Romance No one is downloading ???????!! D:
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