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Everything posted by marron_san

  1. marron_san

    i've just got my tickets for london live <3 only 32 days left! *hearts*
  2. marron_san

    they look really interesting and in my opinion bassist is so cute *hearts* i'm going to check myspace to listen to their song <3 thank you for all info! ^^
  3. marron_san

    alice nine. - kousai stripe
  4. marron_san

    alice nine. - seija no parade <3
  5. marron_san

    heh, i'm going to see them once again this year but i wish to be on every concert in europe... why tickets & travel is so expensive x___________________x
  6. marron_san

    wwww, I want to hear them so bad <333 what I know is that makuro is in MaveRick ^-^
  7. marron_san

    Have you listened to 3 their songs? How come. I have only one ToT
  8. marron_san

    it's pity that they have only one song and it looks like bands with . at the end of their name always rocks XD
  9. marron_san

    MoNoLith - Crackerjack
  10. marron_san

    *hugs* don't cry. I would like to see more bands in UK as well because german fans are pretty annoying and I hate going to Germany to see my lovely bands but what can I do... when I have an opportunity I'm always coming to UK (just like now, for gazette). Berlin is like second Tokyo, there are concerts every month...
  11. marron_san

    In Berlin. I'm thankfull to god that I live in Poland XDDDDDDDDDDD
  12. marron_san

    HAHA just like for Dir en grey in London! Anyways, tickets for gazette's london live are also sold out. Thanks god I got mine XDDDDDDDDD
  13. marron_san

    Satoshi has amazing voice but he sounds hell better on lives. When I heard him I started to cry and security asked me if I feel ok, haha. Can't wait till their new releases cause they are getting better and better <333~ And yeah, they are playing once again in Europe in 2 months & also will be autograph session so anyone who can come, please be there! ^-^
  14. marron_san

    arisu is my band no.1 till my death. I love all of the guys because of former bands but now I just can't imagine alice nine with other members :DDD
  15. marron_san

    and what should I write here... I was a really big fan of DeG but with new release I couldn't believe in what they did... even tho they are coming to my country in next month I won't go to their concert. I just can't... it isn't music for me anymore.
  16. marron_san

    I hated everything what was connected with an cafe because their music made me sick when I only heard them but this has changed after I had attended one of their concerts. Omg, they are crazy and Miku is doing stupid sthing with his underwear, as well Yuuki but he is telling jokes to crowd... Still, they music isn't this what I would like to hear but they are good to hang out with friends and play. Anyway, but I hade Bou till this day, haha.
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