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Everything posted by SUBLIMINAL


    I'll never understand why people get so offended when their favourite bands want to make money.

    Of all countries I would have expected Canada not to pull this shit.

    한희정 - 어느 가을
  4. You have awesome taste.


    Oh, Zess, if I could like your post I would repeatedly like it as hard as possible. It's fact that 99.99999999% (statistics provided by the Global Bullshit Statistics Bureau) of PSCs revenue comes from the Japanese, not overseas fans. They have no real incentive to send their bands overseas at all, least of all the ones that earn them the most money. They have no proof that the risk will be worth it because Zess is right... let's face it, a thousand fans might exclaim they want a single, an album, or a tour in Europe or America but the number of those same fans who'll actually buy or attend is ridiculously small. Gazette can perform at Budokan, an arena with a capacity of almost 15,000, or PSC can send them to a dingy little club in Germany with a maximum capacity of 500 and be extremely lucky to fill it.

    I'm late, but whatever~ Best albums of 2011 for me were... PJ Harvey - Let England Shake PLASTICZOOMS - Starbow Plastic Tree - ammonite Shona Foster - The Moon & You Angelo - BABEL Pain Of Salvation - Road Salt Two XA-VAT - 艶℃ Lenka - Two Unexpect - Fables of the Sleepless Empire Ferri - A broken carousel Lantlôs - Agape Boris - New Album Florence + the Machine - Ceremonials Primordial - Redemption at the Puritan's Hand Anna Calvi - Anna Calvi Devin Townsend Project - Ghost Devin Townsend Project - Deconstruction Clare Maguire - Light After Dark

    Dragon's Dogma: it's supposed to be Monster Hunter-y but with, y'know, dragons and eagles and monsters of lore. A WRPG created by the Japanese. It involves the masterminds behind Devil May Cry and Breath of Fire, my favourite RPG ever. So it's going to be brilliant. I am so stoked! Kingdoms of Amalur loved the demo, had a Dragon Age meets World of Warcraft thing going on, will be itching for a new RPG once I've 100%ed Skyrim. Catherine: it's only just seeing release here in the UK, and I intend to purchase the special edition with all the goodies. I've been dying to play this since it was released in America and have had to wait sooooo long Lollipop Chainsaw: 'cause suda51 is a maniacal genius and zombies. Mass Effect 3: Not as excited as I was when it was first announced, but eager to play, I guess. I hope it surpasses the second in quality. BioShock Infinite: if it ends up being released this year. Overstrike: slfja;lsjda;lj Any and all Skyrim DLC that is announced and... GUILD. WARS. 2.

    humancladmonsters.tumblr.com I just post about D'espairsRay, Plastic Tree and Angelo and reblog video games, comic books and ponies.

    Angelo and Plastic Tree both have extremely nice fanbases, especially the former - there's virtually no drama, everyone is generous and willing to help. I don't frequent many Plastic Tree communities, but they don't seem nearly as bitchy as some others. They're quite intelligent too and willing to discuss the music first and foremost. D'espairsRay's fandom is actually nice now that they've disbanded, which is weird because there was so much ill-will, elitism and nastiness among fans beforehand. I mean, as someone who's been in D'espairsRay fandom for years, I couldn't stand it. I've had friends attacked at their lives for wearing the wrong clothes and not being a "proper fan." A group of girls literally tore at her clothes and hair. There was a lot of backstabbing and drama. The thing about D'espairsRay wank is... when it happens, it's vicious but it's always contained and very few people find out about it ... I don't know, D'espairsRay fans are really intense and enthusiastic (which is great when it's about supporting the band, not so much when it's hate-fueled). A lot of people on the outside think of the D'espairsRay fanbase as nice, but back then it was pretty horrible. But, hey, you get a large group of girls in one place and shit's about to go down.

    Well, fantasies are perfectly normal. What's interesting (and disturbing) is that the majority of those are probably posted by girls whose knowledge of sex extends to what they've read in fanfiction. And that a good portion might well be underage! I felt a little ill reading some of them, to be honest, most people should keep their fantasies about bands they're supposed to respect to themselves.

    This is why, if not for the story, I can hardly stand to play Silent Hill either. Except that at least RES combat improved - Silent Hill is still insufferable.

    Angelo - Calvary a couple of Angelo tour goodies Kingdoms of Amalur aaaaaaaaaand a pink PS2~

    ^ It's definitely not the least bit action RPG. If anything, it's going to be all action and all jump scares and cheap thrills. Not a Call of Duty fan but as long as the story / campaign is good and Leeeeooooon I'm all for this new RES. Although I don't know if he realises the series' popularity might have increased because more people play games nowadays and Resident Evil is now sold on all platforms. I doubt it's just "hurr more CoD fans play it"

    Mine, hehehehe :B

    I've been absent from the forum for numerous reasons (mainly work and life), but in between those two beasts of distraction I've been playing... Skyrim. I'm embarrassed to say that I've clocked over 200+ hours into the game... and have multiple characters. I am but one achievement away from 100%ing it, actually, and I didn't even notice until recently, I was that lost in the game. Intermissions including Saints Row: The Third (which I simultaneously love and hate), Left 4 Dead 2, Team Fortress 2, and streaming myself via twitch.tv playing way too many horror mods for Half Life (namely Nightmare House, UnderHell, and Afraid of Monsters) for the amusement of my friends. Because I yelp and whimper and scream a lot.


    Had to check when this was posted because I'm sure PSC threw a bitch fit about this months ago as well and never did anything about it. The only thing that did was happen was foreign fans of PSC bands freaking out about how uptight they were being and how they would never, ever get to see images of their bandmen anymore. I believe the image issue was targeted at those impersonating the bandmembers on twitter, facebook, etc., which I can undestand because, frankly, it's against twitter's rules to use a picture of someone who isn't y'know... you (not that a million other people aren't already breaking that rule or anything). Also PSC has a lot of trouble with fans sharing FC material, and they're always mad about that, so that could be what they mean by "images from our site." Either way, PSC is the drama queen of VK high school.

    I'm a pyromancer too. I love to wield fire so it was my first choice, but I went through the tutorial as every other class and found I still preferred the pyromancer (bandit and hunter second and third). So many of the creatures that inhabit the world of Dark Souls are weak to fire it becomes IMMENSELY useful in the sewers and Blighttown. Anyway, the game is definitely challenging but I'm not getting as many rage-inducing, throwing-my-controller-at-the-wall incidents as a lot of others are (except for stumbling into the lair of a boss having not saved for about an hour or so and subsequently losing a helluva lotta souls in there). For the most part I've felt most cheated and frustrated over dying when I've fallen off a cliff due to bad camera angles. Once you learn the patterns of the enemies, and try not to get surrounded by lots at once, the difficulty is significantly lessened. Bosses are still brutal, of course, but being a ranged attacker has its advantages. Definitely one of the least forgiving games on console, at least. I actually wish bosses had a bit more HP though. I mean, they can deal an enormous amount of damage. Some can kill you in a hit or two. But it feels like if you manage to get a pouncing attack in, you're pretty much sorted because it takes off half of theirs too. And then it's only a matter of feeding it fireballs and slashing it with your sword a couple of times. The game is beautiful though. Moonlight Butterfly was easily one of the most gorgeous bosses I've ever fought. Amaaaaaaaaaaaazing. I also love how shiny they made the loot. As an RPG enthusiast, I can't resist glowing goodies. Even if some is surrounded by giant, furious looking monsters, I'm gonna run in there and get it and pray to god I come out unscathed. If I don't-- well, I get to keep the gear, so whatever. Small gripe. I wish the game gave you more direction. I fucking love open world games but not having a clue what I'm supposed to be doing and the story being so dull and vague I have no interest in it blows. It pretty much just dumps you in the middle of all this horror and then goes out "enjoy dying, peace out!" But the rest is awesome.
  21. Unless I go into medicine, I'm mid-tier. Yay life sciences. That is damn accurate, though. I feel like languages should be on there, and placed relatively high. Every time I job hunt someone is seeking a translator.

    I think in a recent comment Miko said that she sang on the mini album, so you're right it is her.

    A-am I on drugs? Is this real life? That wasn't MUCC, right? I mean... it was catchy as hell but what in the world is going on. If I pretend it's not MUCC and that they haven't forgotten that they are actually holding instruments, I like it the same I like any radio-friendly number that's decent enough and I only hear in passing. If I remind myself that it's MUCC and ask myself why the hell Yukke is even pretending to play bass in the video and I just don't know what's going on.
  24. I would go to an all girls college. Major: feminism. Aw yeeeah.
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