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Posts posted by tebayochan

  1. did anyone listen to the interview he had with Tainted Reality like 2 weeks ago?

    I missed it! I found out about it the day after it aired. I was hoping someone might have recorded it to share.

  2. tebayochan>> your daughter got the nerve!

    i never wrote him anything coz its makes me nervous when i did that


    maybe i passed out when i see the real MYV...

    foshokku>>heh? so strange that you dont like his music...

    well, i love his music as well as his atitude

    I know! She was so excited though. I found an article where he asked fans to write to him if they wanted him to come to North America and perform, so she just sat down and did it!

    I'm too chicken though. :lol: And I'd die if I saw him in person. He's just too adorable.

  3. the yaminichiru sakura song is their best song ever!

    i love the song so much!

    you should listen to it too tebayochan

    darkyuki, yup! its so mean! maybe those ppl dont have anything better to do!

    Thanks! :) I'll go search it out.

  4. LiZ - ?Red-chain Distraction?

    I've heard so much about Tokio Hotel, but never had the desire to check them out. :/

    I'm getting tired of the v-k hate going on at Last.fm myself. The immaturity of people who go to a band's page just to flame and troll as well as wrongly tag just grates on me.

    Don't you find it funny that some of these 'flamers and haters' like bands like KISS and other types of thrash/death metal that use heavy costuming on stage? XD Talk about hypocricy.

  5. I love love Sadie. I thought they sounded amazingly similar to Diru at first to the point where I had to check my player to make sure it hadn't skipped over to a Diru track when I first started listening to Sadie. XD

    But, that said, the more I've listened to them, the more uniquely 'not like' Diru they sound now. Sure there's a huge Diru influence that stands out incredibly in their music, but there's also something else that sets them apart that I can't put my finger on. Maybe it's that Sadie is now what Diru might have been had they stayed in the v-k scene and not more westernized metal. I dunno...

    I can definitely pick out Sadie in my shuffled playlists just from the lead singer's particular style now. That's something I still have a hard time doing with many other v-k bands since it seems like they all feed off of each other's styles so much, they begin to blend together to my ear.

  6. ^^ I need to find the Death's Door PV now. D:

    ScRew is one of my favs at the moment. I love the Fusion of the Core album the most and Baby Star is awesome.

  7. I only just started to listen to Alice Nine myself after listening to the White Prayer single. I liked that one pretty well. Can anyone recommend any of their other older works that are excellent? :)

  8. I love his new OHP, it's so cool. <3

    His new singles honestly threw me at first and I wasn't sure if I liked them, but after watching the PV's, I'm hooked on his new sound. My kids love it too. They all begged me to put the new songs on their mp3 players. XD

    My middle daughter wrote him a fan letter the other day asking him to play in Canada. ^_^ It was so sweet, hehehe.

    MYV is an acquired taste for sure, but I love his attitude. He's really a sweet and thoughtful guy underneath it all.

  9. I pretty much have their entire disco and there isn't a song by them that I disappointed me. A totally good thing. <3

    Burial Applicant is so good. It got me totally worked up to hear the rest!

    Filth in the Beauty is what got me into Gaze, so it has a special place for me. :) I got my middle kiddo hooked on FitB, Silly God Disco, and Regret. XD She adores Gaze just like me.

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